The Province

We’re tops in B.C. when it comes to lousy driving

Gordon Clark


If you think that every other driver on the road is actively trying to kill you, you’re not alone. Apparently, half of Canadians say that drivers in their communitie­s are worse than they were five years ago, according to a new poll by Insights West. And nearly nine-in-10 survey respondent­s reported witnessing a driver disobeying in the past month rules of the road, a statistic that will probably seem quaintly low to Metro Vancouver drivers. I normally can’t drive for longer than five minutes in Vancouver without seeing some wing nut behind the wheel doing something illegal and/or possibly psychotic.

As it turns out, the poll found that B.C. drivers are the most dangerous, with those surveyed in our province reporting that they had experience­d various types of lousy driving more frequently than other Canadians.

For instance, 48 per cent of British Columbians said that they had had “close calls” in the past month where they had been forced to slam on their brakes or steer “violently to avoid a crash.” That compared with the national average of 39 per cent.

Other examples of bad driving that were worse in B.C. included drivers “not signalling before a turn” (84 per cent in B.C. compared with 78 per cent Canada-wide), “not stopping at an intersecti­on when it was required” (61 per cent versus 49 per cent) and “turning right or left from an incorrect lane” (58 per cent compared with 41 per cent nationally).

That last one resonates with me after I nearly stood my truck on its nose last week hitting the brakes to avoid killing the jackass who suddenly cut across two congested lanes of busy traffic on Highway 99 without signalling to get to an exit. My pulse still may not have returned to normal.

Not surprising­ly, B.C. respondent­s to the poll were least likely to report that they hadn’t witnessed bad driving. Nationally, 12 per cent fell into that group, while just seven per cent of British Columbians said it, although I’m wondering, given what I see on the roads daily, if perhaps that last group were shut-ins.

We’re even jerks when it comes to parking. Seventy per cent of B.C. respondent­s said they had seen vehicles “taking up two or more spots in a parking lot,” compared with the national average of 61 per cent. Only those jerks in Alberta were worse, at 75 per cent. (Albertans were most likely to report having been in a car crash in the past month, at eight per cent, compared with five per cent in B.C. and nationally.)

In a statistic that I think hints that racism or sexism may be at play, British Columbians were most likely to say (68 per cent of respondent­s) that “specific groups or people ... are worse drivers than others.” Hmm ... I wonder what groups they mean?

Fortunatel­y, we don’t hear cracks about “women drivers” like we did in the past and for good reason. It’s a well-establishe­d fact that female drivers are less likely to crash than men, something also found in the poll, conducted Jan. 24 to 26 with 1,002 Canadian adults.

Just two per cent of women reported being in a crash in the previous month compared with eight per cent of men. Folks 55 and older also reported the same two-per-cent crash rate. That compared with the nine-per-cent of people aged 18 to 34 who reported being in accidents in the previous month, which now has me rethinking whether to lend my kids the car.

Finally, the poll also revealed that the older you are, the more likely you are to believe that driving habits were better in the past. Fifty-six per cent of those 55 and older said drivers were worse, compared with 48 per cent of those 35 to 54 and 46 per cent of respondent­s aged 18 to 34.

Then again, the older you get, the more you tend to think that things were better in the past. I’m guilty of that at times, although I may not always be right.

 ??  ?? Yue Hui Wang, 19, a Chinese national, was charged with criminal negligence causing bodily harm for a crash April 12, 2015, in which the Mercedes he was driving hit speeds of 250 km/h on Southwest Marine Drive in Vancouver — five times the speed limit.
Yue Hui Wang, 19, a Chinese national, was charged with criminal negligence causing bodily harm for a crash April 12, 2015, in which the Mercedes he was driving hit speeds of 250 km/h on Southwest Marine Drive in Vancouver — five times the speed limit.
 ??  ??

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