The Province

The politics of Metro Vancouver real estate

- Michael Smyth msmyth@theprovinc­­ews

To unravel the politics of Metro Vancouver’s red-hot, real estate market, just follow the money. And the votes.

Premier Christy Clark has resisted aggressive interventi­on in a hyperinfla­ted market that’s soured the dream of home ownership for nonmillion­aires.

Why has Clark fiddled while the market burns? Maybe it’s the $12 million donated by real estate tycoons and property developmen­t companies to Clark’s governing Liberal party over the last decade.

But here’s another reason Clark might not want to spoil the real estate profit-palooza: the vast sums of money flowing into government coffers from the property transfer tax.

When a B.C. home is sold, the government takes a percentage cut. The higher the price, the more the government collects.

With prices soaring, the government is making a transfer-tax killing: an astonishin­g $1.49 billion in the last fiscal year, a 40-per-cent increase in one year.

The transfer-tax take was $562 million more than the government budgeted at the start of the year, allowing the Liberals to balance the books and giving Clark a key re-election talking point.

How big is this pot of money? It’s more than the government got from lotteries and casinos. More than the carbon tax. More than tobacco. More than liquor. More than royalties from forestry, mining and natural gas combined.

As the government rakes in money from real estate sales, Clark says she’s worried about taking steps that would reduce home prices and erode existing homeowners’ equity.

Polls and demographi­c studies suggest those homeowners are more likely to vote — and vote Liberal.

“Homeowners were much more likely to vote than renters — 71 per cent versus 54 per cent,” concluded a 2012 Statistics Canada study on voter turnout rates.

“Homeowners tend to have lived in the area longer, so they are more familiar with the candidates and where to vote,” explained pollster Greg Lyle of Innovative Research.

The same StatsCan study said older, wealthier voters (who tend to be homeowners) are also more likely to vote than younger, less-wealthy voters (who tend to be renters).

“Renters tend to be more likely to support parties on the left, while homeowners are more likely to vote for those on the right,” Lyle said.

In other words, homeowners show up on election day more than renters. And homeowners tend to vote Liberal to boot, while renters tend to vote NDP if they bother to vote at all.

Is it any wonder Clark doesn’t wish to anger homeowners who now represent a crucial Liberal voting bloc across a Metro Vancouver packed with critical swing ridings in the election?

Watch for Clark to continue to protect the interests of existing homeowners, as the red-hot housing market increases their equity and pumps more millions into the coffers of the Liberal party and government.

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