The Province

Realtor rapped for transfer tax advice

NEW LAW: Real Estate Council of B.C. investigat­ing agent Mike Stewart after email sent to clients Tuesday


A top-selling real estate agent in Vancouver who sent an email advertisin­g how to circumvent the new foreign purchasers’ property transfer tax is being investigat­ed by the Real Estate Council of B.C.

The council said Wednesday it was aware of a statement by Mike Stewart of Century 21 offering ways people could avoid the new 15-per-cent tax, including selling presale contracts to friends or family members who are Canadian citizens or residents.

Such promises are not allowed, said Marilees Peters, a spokeswoma­n for the real estate council.

“We’ve contacted this licensee to advise them they need to cease these advertisem­ents and we will be looking into the matter very closely.”

Stewart’s message came just 24 hours after the B.C. government introduced legislatio­n to try to cool Vancouver’s white-hot housing market. It brought in the 15-per-cent property transfer tax after discoverin­g that in the month of June alone, nearly one in 10 houses in Vancouver were bought by foreigners.

Stewart sent out a mass email to potential clients Tuesday suggesting he had found a solution to the property transfer tax. But he suggested his agency could help foreign clients who have bought pre-sale contracts.

“Most of the presales bought in the last 24-36 months have seen significan­t increases in value,” according to his email, a copy of which was obtained by Postmedia.

“It is possible in many cases to assign the presale purchase contract to a family member or friend who is a Canadian Citizen or Resident. For those of you who do not have that option, we may be able to sell the presale to a third party at a profit to you,” the email suggested.

It added people could get more informatio­n by following a link, but that page on Stewart’s corporate website has now been taken down.

Calls and text messages to Stewart’s phone were not returned.

In an interview with radio station CKNW, however, he said he wasn’t counsellin­g people to find loopholes. Instead, he said, his advice pertained to pre-sale contracts not yet registered in the Land Titles Office.

“It is primarily a specific solution for a very specific situation. I want to be very clear I am not telling anybody about how to avoid a tax that is payable because that is illegal and that is not something that I do and that I am allowed to do,” he said in the interview.

“What this entails is for internatio­nal buyers who have bought pre-constructi­on, so they have not registered at land titles. According to my understand­ing, these are exempt from the taxation rules.

“What we’re just saying is you could just assign it to a family member. Assign means to transfer ownership. This is all before it is registered at land titles, this is all before it is taxable.”

His email, however, was widely distribute­d to local and Canadian potential buyers who had signed up for informatio­n with a number of developers who market pre-sale projects.

Stewart said he felt the new tax legislatio­n was “a bit abrupt and unfair” because it penalizes pre-sale contracts for units that are still years away from being built.

“There are people from all over the world from all walks of life who have bought properties that are pre-constructi­on, pre-sale, and that are completing in a few years with the expectatio­n of moving here or settling here and they’ve been suddenly hit with a 15-per-cent tax rather arbitraril­y,” he said.

However, the Real Estate Council of B.C. says Stewart’s offer was clearly the kind of message the provincial government was prepared for when it drafted the legislatio­n.

“The legislatio­n that the government introduced does include anti-avoidance rules,” Peters said. “We’ve advised all licensees that they need to recommend to their clients to get independen­t profession­al advice to find out if their deal will be subject to the property transfer tax.”

Premier Christy Clark also weighed in, saying her government will be auditing sales to make sure offshore purchasers aren’t trying to game the system. She chastised real estate agents who are advising clients to re-assign their pre-sale contracts to Canadian citizens to avoid the tax.

However, NDP housing critic David Eby says he doesn’t think Stewart did anything wrong, especially since he was talking about presales contracts. He said the dispute helps illustrate loopholes the NDP warned the Liberal government were in the legislatio­n.

“It is true you can assign a pre-sale contract without paying the tax. It is totally clear in the legislatio­n that the tax doesn’t kick in until the title is registered,” Eby said. “I don’t think it is OK. It demonstrat­es the flaws in the government’s proposal.”

Stewart told CKNW his overseas clients are already backing away.

“A lot of them have decided to buy elsewhere because of the tax.”

 ??  ?? Real estate agent Mike Stewart said in a radio interview his advice on avoiding a new transfer tax pertained to pre-sale contracts not yet registered in the Land Titles Office.
Real estate agent Mike Stewart said in a radio interview his advice on avoiding a new transfer tax pertained to pre-sale contracts not yet registered in the Land Titles Office.

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