The Province

When you wish upon a fantasy-themed bed

- — Postmedia News

If your child’s room is filled with many things Disney, chances are he or she could very well be wishing for the next-best dream to come true: A Disney-themed bed.

Not just an ordinary one covered with duvets, bed and pillow sheets lined with Disney characters, either.

Circu — a Portuguese furniture company selling “magical furniture,” its website says — offers a 61/2-foot-tall Little Mermaid-themed clamshell bed that can at least let your young Disney fan’s imaginatio­n run wild. No need to buy a nightlight, either, as there’s one already inside the bed.

If Disney isn’t part of your child’s room appeal, Circu also sells:

■ A magic mirror that’s actually a TV;

■ A fantasy air balloon bed and sofa;

■ And a Volkswagen van-shaped bed complete with a mini-bar and sofa.

One drawback to all this magical appeal, though: Prepare to pay heavily for these magical items. While prices can be requested at Circu, according to Elle Decor ...

■ The Little Mermaid-themed clamshell bed will set you back US$16,000;

■ The 10-foot-high Fantasy Air Balloon bed? A whopping $29,000;

■ The VW Bun Van? $43,000;

■ The hand-carved Magic Mirror that’s actually a TV? No word on what it costs, but it’s made of silver leaf because Circu figures its luxurious demographi­c can afford it.

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