The Province

Grandma grateful for help during holidays

Deborah Dunn has been battling health problems while caring for her nine-year-old granddaugh­ter

- Gord McIntyre gordmcinty­re@ gmacsports thewhiteto­

Her mom always told her it’s darkest before the dawn.

“So maybe I’ll have some great years ahead of me,” Deborah Dunn said. “It’s been really, really hard this year. Since July, it’s been pure hell.”

The Hope resident has been battling health issues and, for four years, has been raising her nine-year-old granddaugh­ter Emily single-handedly while trying to get by on disability pay.

This summer, the 61-year-old was savaged by a staph infection and twice had to be admitted to hospital. Her arm ballooned to the size of a football.

If you’ve never heard of a PIC-line, count yourself lucky. It’s essentiall­y a tube inserted through a vein in your arm that is pushed in until it reaches the heart so that drugs can be shot immediatel­y into the bloodstrea­m. Dunn required one for three months.

The single grandma struggles to make ends meet all year, but during the holidays is especially grateful for the extras she receives from Hope Community Services, one of the charities supported by The Province’s Empty Stocking Fund.

“The Empty Stocking Fund helps me out at Christmas with food and gifts. … I can’t afford more than one thing for the child,” Dunn said.

“It really helps to give her a good Christmas dinner and toys I wouldn’t be able to get otherwise. And it makes me feel better that I can help her. This means I can get her what she wants.”

When it comes to the family budget, Dunn’s granddaugh­ter comes first.

The child, who has special needs, is enrolled in theatre and piano lessons, which she enjoys. The activities are also helping her overcome shyness.

“That helps get her out,” Dunn said. “She just loves to dance and act.”

Dunn is also involved in the local theatre, which gets her out when circumstan­ces seem their worst.

Emily came to live with her four years ago after being in foster care. There have been trying times. A couple of presents under the tree and a nice meal Dec. 25 mean so much to Dunn.

“Sometimes you get a turkey, sometimes you don’t,” Dunn said. “It depends on the supply. And we’ve got a good community — people try to help out with food.

“It’s been a hard haul these four years, but I know if I had to do it all over again, I’d do it in a heartbeat. A child belongs with family, not in foster care.

“At times, I get so down I don’t care about anything, but then I think there’s a little girl I have to look after. She’s the love of my life and the Empty Stocking Fund gives me more hope for her having a better Christmas.”

Thanks to the fundraisin­g efforts of corporate sponsors, local business and community supporters, and, of course, Province readers, the Empty Stocking Fund raised more than $300,000 last year.

That money was distribute­d to 27 community agencies across B.C., including Hope Community Services, to help buy gifts and food hampers for those in need. Funds are administer­ed through The Province’s partner, United Way of the Lower Mainland. The Province pays all the administra­tion costs, so 100 per cent of the funds raised goes to those who need help.

 ??  ?? Single grandma Deborah Dunn is raising nine-year-old granddaugh­ter Emily and receives help over Christmas from Hope Community Services, one of the charities benefiting from the Empty Stocking Fund.
Single grandma Deborah Dunn is raising nine-year-old granddaugh­ter Emily and receives help over Christmas from Hope Community Services, one of the charities benefiting from the Empty Stocking Fund.
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