The Province

Trump says he’ll leave business ‘in total’


WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump tweeted Wednesday morning that he would soon leave his “great business in total” to focus on the presidency, a response to growing worries over the businessma­n-in-chief’s conflicts of interest around the globe.

The announceme­nt marked a turn from Trump’s months-long refusal to distance himself from his private business while holding the highest public office in the country.

But it remained unclear whether the new arrangemen­t would include a full sale of Trump’s stake or, as he has offered before, a ceding of company management to his children, which ethics advisers have said would not resolve worries that the business could still influence his decisions in the Oval Office.

“I will be holding a major news conference in New York City with my children on Dec. 15 to discuss the fact that I will be leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump tweeted.

“While I am not mandated to do this under the law, I feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses. Hence, legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. The Presidency is a far more important task!”

Trump spokespeop­le did not immediatel­y return requests for more details on the move. But Richard Painter, chief White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush, said the move didn’t appear to offer enough of a division to keep entangleme­nt worries at bay.

“That’s business operations, not ownership,” Painter said.


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