The Province

Notley woos B.C. as pipeline debate heats up

- Mike Smyth­ews

Rachel Notley and John Horgan are both leaders of provincial New Democratic parties, but there’s no love lost between them on the issue of the Kinder Morgan pipeline.

She’s the NDP premier of Alberta and supports the pipeline that would pump more crude oil from Alberta’s oilsands to the B.C. coast for export by super tankers to Asia.

He’s the B.C. NDP leader and against the pipeline because of the environmen­tal risk of a catastroph­ic oil spill in our waters.

Now Notley is spending two days in Vancouver on a media blitz pitching British Columbians on the benefits of the $6.8-billion pipeline expansion, just approved by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal Liberal government.

“Energy is hugely important to our economy,” Notley told The Province’s editorial board Monday, calling the pipeline approval a “major step forward for our national economy and the well-being of communitie­s throughout Canada.”

That includes communitie­s in British Columbia, Notley stressed, making the case for the jobs, tax revenue and economic spinoff from the project in B.C.

“When I’m interior B.C., I see that,” she said. “I see that people are concerned about being able to have a path to the kind of economic security that allows them to take care of their families and keep food on the table and the roof over their head.”

She called the risk of a major oil spill “unlikely” and said Alberta will use pipeline profits to develop clean-energy technology to drive down greenhouse gas emissions in the province.

The pipeline will allow Alberta to sell more of its oil to customers in Asia, where prices are $3 to $5 a barrel higher than in North America, Notley said.

“It doesn’t make any sense to not get the best price for the product,” she said. “It’s not good economics. It’s not good management.”

An artful and persuasive case for the pipeline — but one that won’t change the mind of Horgan when the two NDP leaders meet for a private discussion during Notley’s visit.

What if the B.C. NDP wins the provincial election in May and he tries to stop the pipeline as promised?

“I’m not going to engage in being a pundit or get into discussion­s about the upcoming B.C. election,” she said.

What about the political staffers working for her government who would normally be freed up to work on the B.C. election campaign in the spring?

“Their job is to work for the government of Alberta, for the people of Alberta, so that’s what the people who work for me are focused on doing,” Notley said.

Translatio­n: Horgan should not expect platoons of eager, brighteyed young Alberta government staffers trooping across the Rockies to help him win the B.C. election and stop a project that’s in Alberta’s interests.

Not if they want to keep a job with Notley’s government, that is.

All in all, Notley’s trip highlights the political pickle Horgan finds himself in with the Kinder Morgan pipeline.

She is bound to woo many B.C. New Democrats into seeing her side of the argument. But if Horgan wavers, the party’s fierce anti-pipeline environmen­tal wing will revolt.

The Liberals have already re-launched an updated version of their famous weather vane commercial from the last election, this one showing Horgan spinning helplessly in circles as he’s buffeted by political winds from all directions.

Somewhere, Premier Christy Clark is smiling. Her governing Liberals, set to roll out a benefit-sharing agreement on the pipeline and formally endorse the project, are loving the NDP’s family feud.

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