The Province

Boy shows heart by collecting books for kids

More than 250 donated this year


Nine-year-old Reece Reichelt has had a rough time over the last few years, but it certainly isn’t getting him down.

The Maple Ridge boy, who was bullied so relentless­ly that he switched schools this year, has collected more than 200 books for the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Christmas Hamper Society to share his love of reading with other kids in the community. The society is supported by The Province’s Empty Stocking Fund.

This is the third year Reece has collected gifts for Christmas. The first year he gathered toys, but books are what he loves best.

His campaign, which collects books as well as donations to buy more, provides other children and teens with the gift of books and also gives the Grade 4 boy a much-needed distractio­n from the bullying he has experience­d since kindergart­en.

“Last year, he had a goal of 75 books and he reached 150,” said his proud mother, Courtney Reichelt. “This year, his goal was 150, but his final count is 253. Half of his room is full of books.

“He’s a very mature child, very caring, empathetic and even during everything he’s gone through, he’s worried about the safety of his friends. He’ll always mention his friends before himself.”

Reichert said that her son wants to be a marine biologist when he grows up, and he believes it’s important for kids his age to have their own books.

Reece said he feels good about his new school and his book campaign, knowing that it will help other kids discover the joy of reading.

Currently, he’s reading The BFG by Roald Dahl.

The idea of a book campaign came from his mom, Reece said.

“My mom said they were doing a Christmas thing with toys. So, a light bulb came into my head and I thought I’d like to collect books. My friends are really nice about it.”

Lorraine Bates, co-chair of the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Christmas Hamper Society, said Reece is doing a wonderful thing.

“It’s the makings of an exceptiona­l person when a young person takes the initiative to do something for somebody else.”

Kathryn Sim, director of the society’s Toy Barn where the books are distribute­d, said Reece’s books are very popular with parents and children alike.

“He has a huge smile when he comes in each year. When the parents pick up the books, they also have a huge smile,” Sim said.

“And his number of books is incredible. We have between 500 and 600 families coming through.

“He gets great joy out of this, which he needs right now. It’s incredible for a child who has been bullied to have such a kind soul. Nobody’s breaking that.”

Thanks to the fundraisin­g efforts of corporate sponsors, local business and community supporters, and, of course, Province readers, The Empty Stocking Fund raised more than $300,000 last year.

That money was distribute­d to 27 community agencies across B.C. to help buy gifts and food hampers for those in need. Funds are administer­ed through The Province’s partner, United Way of the Lower Mainland.

The Province pays all the administra­tion costs, so 100 per cent of the funds raised goes to those who need help.

 ?? GERRY KAHRMANN/PNG FILES ?? Reece Reichelt packs up some of the 253 books he collected to donate to the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Christmas Hamper Society.
GERRY KAHRMANN/PNG FILES Reece Reichelt packs up some of the 253 books he collected to donate to the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Christmas Hamper Society.

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