The Province

The Violin Teacher — the same but different


Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A brilliant but wounded teacher signs up to instruct some scrappy, underprivi­leged kids, changes their lives and, in the process, learns a few important truths about himself.

You have? What if the instrument of choice was the violin, and the movie based on an inspiratio­nal true story? Oh yeah; Meryl Streep in Music of the Heart. Well, regardless, get ready to see it again. And if The Violin Teacher hits many of the same notes, it also manages a few new ones, thanks to the setting of Heliopolis (also the film’s original Portuguese title), one of the largest and most dangerous slums of São Paulo.

Laerte (soulful Brazilian actor Lázaro Ramos), a former child prodigy, is trying to get into the city’s prestigiou­s orchestra. But an attack of nerves silences his bow on audition day. Needing to make ends meet, he signs up to teach at an inner-city school.

There are two promising kids in the class, Samuel (Kaique de Jesus), and VR (Elzio Vieira). They’re also running a credit-card cloning operation that has them in debt to some of the neighbourh­ood’s shadier characters.

One of the local thugs corners Laerte and demands a recital in honour of his daughter’s quinceañer­a birthday party. The uncultured gangster wants “the gas company waltz,” which I guess played on an advertisem­ent, and turns out to be Strauss’s Blue Danube.

There are the usual revelation­s and crises: the kid whose parents don’t understand his musical dedication; the moment where someone calls the teacher a selfish, privileged so-and-so; and the appearance of a way out of this job for Laerte, causing him to weigh profession­al self-interest against teacherly altruism.

But there’s also some very real violence in Heliopolis, and the sense that for most of these kids, even musical talent may not provide a way out of poverty; it may have to suffice as its own reward. This is enough to elevate the material beyond just-another-teacher-movie status.

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