The Province

Surging ICBC rates grinding critics’ gears

- Mike Smyth­ews

This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you. That seemed to be the tone adopted by Transporta­tion Minister Todd Stone this week as he “reluctantl­y” inflicted a 4.9-per-cent auto insurance rate hike on tapped-out B.C. drivers.

“An increase in the range of 4.9 per cent year after year is still way too high for most British Columbians,” Stone said.

How true! But keep this in mind: That 4.9-per-cent rate hike is actually the lowest ICBC premium increase in years.

Auto insurance rates have gone up a combined 32 per cent since 2011, the year Christy Clark became premier. That includes a shocking 11.2-per-cent increase in 2012.

As painful as these big annual hikes have been for drivers, it could actually get a lot worse in the years ahead.

Last month, the B.C. Utilities Commission forced ICBC to reveal its own internal rate projection­s. The worst-case scenario: a jaw-dropping 42-per-cent increase over the next five years.

The Christy Clark government did not want this number revealed to the public — especially with an election looming in the spring.

But now that the cat is out of the bag, the government is moving to limit the damage with an independen­t review of ICBC’s operations designed to keep future rate hikes low.

The goal of the review, Stone said, is to “keep insurance rates affordable by bringing future increases in line with B.C.’s inflation rate as much as possible.”

The inflation rate right now is about two per cent a year. So we’re talking about taking a potential 42-per-cent combined rate hike over five years and grinding it down to less a quarter of that, to about 10 per cent over five years if inflation rates remain steady.

How is that possible? According to one informed observer, it isn’t.

“It’s a pipe dream,” said Richard McCandless, a retired senior B.C. government manager who has become an effective public watchdog on ICBC.

ICBC faces relentless cost pressures that can’t be wished away with an easy pre-election review, McCandless points out. That includes a soaring accident rate, increased repair costs to fix damaged high-tech vehicles and an epidemic of fraudulent claims.

Another big cost pressure at ICBC: the sticky fingers of government grabbing money out of ICBC’s accounts. The government has scooped more than $1 billion out of ICBC over the past five years as drivers pay through the nose with huge premium hikes.

“It undermines ICBC’s financial position and it’s a cause of rate increases,” NDP critic Adrian Dix told me, pointing out the Liberals actually rewrote the law to allow government to raid the ICBC piggy bank.

I asked Dix if an NDP government would stop the practice.

“We need to return ICBC to its non-profit status,” he said. “I think it should be illegal again. That’s certainly our position.”

Good to know. But even stopping the government’s theft of ICBC’s money won’t be enough to dramatical­ly drive down future rate hikes.

That would take more aggressive action, like moving to a system of no-fault insurance or bringing in legal limits on court-awarded damages for minor pain and suffering caused by whiplash or other soft-tissue injuries.

The lawyers would hate it. But it might be the only way the government could grind down premium increases to anywhere near the inflation rate.

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