The Province

Fishermen keep it festive with fundraisin­g derby


While many British Columbians are still gobbling down turkey leftovers, Sooke residents have moved on to salmon after capping off the Christmas holiday with a fishing derby Monday.

The Sooke Boxing Day Derby is one of three events comprising the Sooke Saltwater Series, said Ron Neitsch, owner of 2 Reel Fishing Adventures. The series, now in its second year, boosts off-season fishing in support of salmon conservati­on and management as well as the local food bank.

The series combines three popular, long-running derbies — a halibut derby in May, a coho derby in October and the chinook derby on Boxing Day to wrap it up. Neitsch’s firm is among a handful of fishing companies that organizes the event, which is supported by a lengthy list of community sponsors.

“It’s all about trying to keep the fishing going year-round,” Neitsch said. “Our weather is actually pretty good here in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and we’re trying to get the message out that it’s very fishable.”

Monday’s derby reeled in 105 participan­ts, most from the southern Vancouver Island area, while the coho derby brought in 220 and the halibut derby attracted about 100, Neitsch said.

“The guys are pretty competitiv­e, but everybody definitely gets along,” he said.

Competitor­s participat­e at single events or buy a ticket to compete in all three derbies and accrue points based on the weight of their catches. At the end of the series, the victor wins a NASCAR-style jacket adorned with sponsors’ logos and gets to choose between a cash prize or 9.9-horsepower kicker motor.

Mike Friesen, who moved to the Island from Vancouver last year, hooked the Boxing Day winner — a 9.96-pound chinook.

Tickets are already on sale for the 2017 series and will be available until the first derby on May 20.

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