The Province

UBC’s cancellati­on of Furlong’s speech is ‘unprincipl­ed’


Re: UBC drops Furlong from speaking engagement, Dec. 28

I read that UBC cancelled a speech by John Furlong due to “controvers­y.” As Furlong has been exonerated by the courts, this kind of victimizat­ion by innuendo is appalling, particular­ly by an institute of higher learning. What kind of lesson is this demonstrat­ing to UBC’s students? The decision-makers at the university should be ashamed of pandering to the vocal few who prefer to believe unsubstant­iated charges rather than to admire Furlong’s many accomplish­ments and what he has done for the province. I hope that these actions create much greater controvers­y and backlash for the unprincipl­ed stand taken by UBC. — Mark Appleton, Victoria

Provinces must stand united

If Nova Scotia, Newfoundla­nd and Labrador were members of a “union” of Canadian provinces, they would be considered to be scab workers. They have proven their moral integrity by breaking ranks with the other provinces on health-care transfers to garner favour with the federal government. Instead of agreeing to the original offer, Nova Scotia has even taken a lesser deal. But, and this is the kicker, they say if the other provinces negotiate a better deal, then they will want that one instead. If they choose to go it alone, they should be held to the agreement they sign, and not rely on the other provinces to man up for them. — John White, Surrey

Recycling not picked up

Our recyclable­s were picked up last Friday, those on the other side of the same alley were not, so that’s three weeks for them. The icy road conditions is a tired excuse. I’ve been able to get in and out of my garage since the snows came, and I drive a Mini. Not only that, the market trucks that deliver to the stores on Commercial Drive navigate that same alley with no problems All we want for Christmas is reliable service. — Ed Braun, Vancouver

Trudeau continues tradition

Re: Keep protests legal, PM tells critics, Dec. 21

With his Trans Mountain expansion approval, Trudeau fils has merely continued the family tradition of giving the middle-finger to British Columbians, just as Trudeau pere gave British Columbians his infamous “Salmon Arm salute.” There are far better ways to access west coast tidewater than expanding the public hazard otherwise known as the Burnaby Mountain tank farm and sending 440-plus dilbit-laden tankers per year under the Second Narrows Bridge, through Vancouver’s harbour, under the Lions Gate Bridge, past Stanley Park and down the length of the Salish Sea. — Mike Priaro, Calgary

In praise of health care

Re: Burnaby doc gains fresh perspectiv­e, Dec. 26

Plastic surgeon Colin White says he gained a fresh perspectiv­e on how good Canada’s health-care system is and how everyone gets quality care. He offered his considerab­le skills to Operation Rainbow Canada to alleviate suffering in a rural village in India. Maybe the Canadians who complain about Canada’s health care and/ or paltry premiums should accompany Dr. White on his next mission and get a fresh perspectiv­e. — Cherryl Katnich, Maple Ridge

 ?? — THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? John Furlong’s invitation to speak at UBC was withdrawn with organizers citing ‘controvers­y’ as the reason, something a letter writer calls appalling.
— THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES John Furlong’s invitation to speak at UBC was withdrawn with organizers citing ‘controvers­y’ as the reason, something a letter writer calls appalling.

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