The Province


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)


“Well, some men learn by listening, some read, some observe and analyze — and some of us just have to pee on the electric fence.” — Spider Robinson (b 1948)


In the mid to late 90s, you worked hard to solidify your home base and fix up where you lived so that you felt solid and safe. As the traveller of the zodiac, around the turn of the millennium, many of you had a chance to see more of the world. By 2002-03, you began to get recognitio­n for your efforts; neverthele­ss, this was a challengin­g time for partnershi­ps and relationsh­ips; in fact troubled relationsh­ips ended then. By 2004, you looked successful; but by 2007, you were forced to stand on your own two feet. By 2009, you began to reap the benefit of seeds that you planted in the last seven years. By 2010, you were happier about where you lived. However, by 2013, you entered a two-year window of time where you had to let go of many things. Looking back, you see that this downsizing was not so much a time of loss, but rather a time of streamlini­ng your life so you were free to pursue a new path in 2015-16.


One thing is certain in 2017: You will benefit from your interactio­ns with others far more than in other years. Far more! It’s important to know this. These interactio­ns might be with friends, clubs and groups. Therefore, work with others. Accept their input. Be receptive to others. In fact, ask for their input and feedback about your ideas. This is not a year for you to go it alone. In terms of your career, from 2015 until 2023, you are redefining your world. You must protect this process. Do not stretch too far by leaping into a new career without giving your situation a lot of thought. It’s OK to jog in place and wait. Goals are fuzzy, and you don’t like that. You are a sign who needs clear, focused goals to stay happy. In late 2018, your ruler Jupiter returns to your sign once again! This means that when you make plans for the future, you can count on the support and blessing of Jupiter coming your way beginning in late 2018. Until then, continue on your current path, which is a time of figuring out who you are. And most specifical­ly, be aware that your greatest benefit this year comes to you through others — friends and acquaintan­ces, and also members of groups, clubs and organizati­ons.


This year life will flow more easily for you than it did in 2016. Your tires won’t wear out, your kids won’t get cavities and you’ll be happy with your bandwidth for Netflix. Well, it is a fact that your life will be happier and easier this year, which in turn, means your romantic relationsh­ips and partnershi­ps will be happier. Since you will be more upbeat and more “hail-fellow-wellmet”, obviously, you will be more attractive to others. Happiness is sexy! When you are content, you are less critical and more cooperativ­e. Factoid. This blessing did not exist last year; but you have it this year. Appreciate it and use it to your best advantage. If single, you will more easily meet new people. You don’t have to do anything different because you will be different and exude a different persona — a positive one! This alone will attract people to you. This same winning influence also improves current relationsh­ips. People will want to be in your presence this year because you are happier, content and easy going. This is a major blessing in 2017!


Your home life and relationsh­ip with family members will improve this year because your life will flow more easily. Factoid. You will achieve goals with relatively little effort. You will feel less pressured and less worried about life in general. You will have big ideas about your home, especially if you are renovating, which many of you are doing because you moved in the last year or two. In recent years, you have undergone sudden changes because of the influence of Uranus (this continues until 2019.) This influence can suddenly expand your family, especially through birth. Note: You are at the beginning of a new path of redefining who you are in the world; therefore, do not take on too many new and different things. Keep things simple. Also keep in mind that in late 2018, your ruler lucky Jupiter will return to your sign where it will stay for a year boosting your confidence, making you even more happy and more content with life. Sheesh!


You will be laughing in 2019, because lucky Jupiter will be back in your sign for the first time since 2007. This will make you feel happier and more content on a daily basis. The following year in 2020, many of you will boost your income or get a better paying job because your money scene looks great! Around 2020-21, you enter a threeyear window where you will likely change jobs or change residences or both. In 2022, you have fabulous real-estate opportunit­ies! This is the best time to buy, sell, build, renovate, expand or improve where you currently live. It’s also a good year to find something better and bigger to rent. Regardless, you will feel richer at home! Your family life will be enriched as well and family members will be happier and more mutually generous. All these good vibes will lead to ambitious vacation plans for 2023. Mark that on your calendar if you are planning a big trip because whatever vacation you enjoy then, will be extremely rewarding for you!


“Be friendly with everyone because the world is my oyster!”


Expect delays, lost items and confused communicat­ions! Best to finish things, not begin them. These are poor times to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones. (Dates below are actual retrograde dates and buffer dates. Why? Mercury slows down before it goes retrograde and then it needs to catch up to where it was at when it first went retrograde. Use buffer times for big purchases like cars.) Jan. 1 — 8 (Buffer times: Jan. 28) April 8 — May 3 (Buffer times: April 2 — May 21) Aug. 12 — Sept. 5 (Buffer times: July 30 — Sept. 19) Dec. 2 — Dec. 23 (Buffer times: Nov. 26 — Jan. 11/18) January 22, 23, 24 February 19, 20 March 18, 19 April 14, 15, 16 May 12, 13 June 8, 9 July 5, 6, 7 August 1, 2, 29, 30 September 25, 26, 27 October 22, 23, 24 November 18, 19, 20 December 15, 16, 17


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