The Province

Internet United in its disgust

There’s a right way and a wrong way to deal with a PR nightmare


You know that scene in a movie where some schlub is alone with a bomb and a phone and a decision? I’m sure you’ve seen it 100 times.

The schlub has never defused a bomb before and is getting phone directions on how to do this from a bomb-squad expert. As the timer on the bomb ticks down to its final few seconds, the schlub is left with a perilous choice: Cut the red wire or the white wire.

Well, if you’ll excuse the analogy, on Sunday, United Airlines cut the wrong wire. The Internet, as the Zeitgeist likes to say, blew up.

For the unaware (and I can’t imagine there are too many of you), a passenger was forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight on the weekend to accommodat­e the travel of United employees.

The incident wasn’t without its complexiti­es, of course. It’s not like United sent some cops on board to randomly drag an old guy down the aisle of the plane like a sack of potatoes. That said, the video evidence is pretty damning, and, well, we all know the Internet isn’t exactly the Supreme Court when it comes to passing considered judgment.

I’ve flown United Airlines twice. I recall neither time with the fondness of a day in Disneyland.

In 2008, I flew Air China from Beijing to Los Angeles, where I was scheduled to board a United flight, hours later, from L.A. to Vancouver.

The attendant at the gate informed all passengers that a number of business-class seats were available should anyone desire an upgrade. I approached, asked for the upgrade, handed over my credit card, then was denied because upgrades could only be bought using United points. I asked the attendant if United shareholde­rs were aware the airline didn’t take money as a medium of exchange. My sarcasm was ignored.

When I boarded the plane, I took my seat by the window in an area called something like “economy plus.” The “plus” in this case, meant I was afforded the tiniest bit of extra leg space compared with the lesser passengers wedged into “economy” at the back of the plane.

The seat beside me in “economy plus” was empty right up to the final few seconds of boarding when a man, the size of a bear about to go into hibernatio­n, clomped his way down the aisle. He sat beside me in the empty seat, then asked the flight attendant for something I didn’t even know existed until that moment: A seatbelt extender.

Once we were safely in the air, I navigated my way past the big guy and into business class, where I explained to the flight attendant that I tried to buy an upgrade, but my money was denied, and, well, now I was sitting beside a brontosaur­us, and, if there was any way possible, I would greatly appreciate a move that would make both me and hefty a hell of a lot happier for the next four hours.

The flight attendant told me she didn’t have the authority to upgrade, but if I wanted to move, there was a seat available in the back of the plane in economy. I looked at the woman, took a bit of a breath, then asked: “So you don’t have the authority to upgrade me, but you do have the authority to downgrade me?”

Air travel is a complicate­d and stressful bit of business. Getting from one point to another via the tropospher­e happens so often without incident we tend to take it for granted. That said, when things do go wrong, they get noticed — especially when video is involved.

Some airlines are better at managing the complicati­ons and stresses of air travel than others. WestJet, for instance, always seems to know which wire to cut. United, not so much. I hope they learn from this.

 ??  ?? This image was from a video provided by Audra D. Bridges showing a passenger being removed from a United Airlines flight in Chicago. Video of airport police dragging the passenger from the flight sparked an uproar Monday on social media, and a...
This image was from a video provided by Audra D. Bridges showing a passenger being removed from a United Airlines flight in Chicago. Video of airport police dragging the passenger from the flight sparked an uproar Monday on social media, and a...
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