The Province

BRIDGE with Bob Jones


Jacek Pszczola, known as “Pepsi” (can you pronounce his last name?), is originally from Poland but he has lived in the USA for several years. He won the World Open Pairs some years ago and has won many important titles since then. He was South in today’s deal.

Pepsi won the opening club lead with his ace. He was reasonably pleased with his contract until he cashed the ace of trumps and saw East show out. Time to get to work. He exited with the jack of clubs to West, who shifted to a diamond. Pepsi won with the king in dummy and ruffed a club.

He crossed back to dummy with a spade to the queen and ruffed dummy’s last club.

He cashed the ace of diamonds and then led a spade to West’s king and dummy’s ace. Pepsi exited with a spade to East’s jack, leaving this position: It didn’t matter whether East led a spade or a diamond, as Pepsi would play his spade either way. West could ruff high, but he would then have to lead away from his other heart honor and give Pepsi the last two tricks.

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