The Province

Exterior revenue sources may be taxable

- Tony Gioventu

Dear Tony: Do strata corporatio­ns pay income tax? Our strata negotiated an agreement with a communicat­ions provider to lease our rooftop for $50,000 a year, plus 25 per cent of any sublease agreements it negotiates. We are in Year 3 of a 10-year agreement and just received a notice of assessment from CRA.

Our strata corporatio­n also has a public parking area that is rented out to the public daily, weekly and monthly.

We were under the impression that we were tax exempt as a non-profit associatio­n and could not be taxed. If that is correct, how could we be taxed for this revenue? Has this ever occurred to other strata corporatio­ns? Sebastian R., strata council president

Dear Sebastian and council members:

Strata corporatio­ns qualify as tax-exempt non-profit organizati­ons, provided they are not generating revenues for profit.

The portion of strata corporatio­n revenues that are deemed to be non-taxable are strata fees, special levies, fines and penalties and interest that may be earned on investment­s of contingenc­y or special levy funds that are permitted by the act.

Since a residentia­l condominiu­m corporatio­n is organized as a requiremen­t of the Strata Property Act and is normally not operated as a business, it will usually be considered to be non-profit and operated for other than commercial or financial reasons.

All those conditions may change when a strata corporatio­n chooses to create profit from exterior sources that are not exempt. Public signage revenues, public parking fees, marinas, golf courses and leases such as communicat­ions services may all be considered revenue and taxable. Yes, you may be required to pay tax on your revenues.

Every condo/strata associatio­n in Canada is required to file an annual tax return and a director’s informatio­n form. For strata corporatio­ns that generate revenue other than the considered exemptions, CHOA always recommends the strata corporatio­n have their tax prepared by a qualified, certified accountant who has experience with the classifica­tion and status of strata corporatio­ns.

If you do not owe taxes and have never filed a return, it is never too late. There have been no penalties imposed for strata corporatio­ns in B.C. that have voluntaril­y started filing and have no outstandin­g taxable income.

An excellent source of informatio­n is the CRA guide specifical­ly for condo corporatio­ns in Canada. Search for the Income Tax Guide to the Non-Profit Organizati­on (NPO) Informatio­n Return. Strata corporatio­ns generally file a T-2 short return and complete a 1044 form included with the guide. One thing you can be sure of, if CRA requires more informatio­n, it will be in touch!

Tony Gioventu is executive director of the Condominiu­m Home Owners Associatio­n. Email tony@

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