The Province

Horgan defends stance on pipeline

Despite rebuke from Trudeau, premier says he is standing up for his province, not dividing it


Premier John Horgan is defending the B.C. government’s position on Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion despite heated attacks from the provincial Opposition and a sharp rebuke from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Horgan was hammered during Thursday’s Question Period by B.C. Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson over Trudeau’s statements that Horgan is putting Canada’s national plan on climate change at risk by delaying the federally approved pipeline.

Horgan didn’t address Trudeau’s comments directly, saying only that he is defending B.C.’s interests and countered why the Opposition wasn’t doing the same.

“We announced on Jan. 30 our intention to consult British Columbians, to fill the gaps in science that have been acknowledg­ed by the federal government, to fill the gaps in science about the adverse consequenc­es on our billion-dollar sport fishery, our $900-million agri-food export industry. That’s standing up for British Columbia, not dividing British Columbia,” said Horgan.

Later, responding to criticism from other Liberal MLAs, Horgan retorted: “I don’t know what part of that these guys don’t understand. But get with the program. We’re in this place to protect British Columbia, not to defend Alberta.”

Wilkinson said Horgan’s “impulsive” decision is putting B.C.’s credibilit­y on the line, and that small businesses are paying the price. He called on Horgan to “swallow his pride, make that phone call to Edmonton and solve this dispute.”

The volley was the latest in the ongoing saga over the $7.9-billion Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project.

On Wednesday, Trudeau accused Horgan of trying to wreck the national climate-change plan.

“John Horgan is actually trying to scuttle our national plan on fighting climate change,” he told The National Observer. “By blocking the Kinder Morgan pipeline, he’s putting at risk the entire national, climate-change plan.”

If the pipeline doesn’t go through, Alberta will withdraw its support for the national plan, and without Alberta’s support, Canada will fail to reach its targets in the Paris climate accord, said Trudeau.

Trudeau’s comments were a departure from Ottawa’s steadfastl­y neutral position since the B.C. government proposed regulation­s to block increased shipments of diluted bitumen while it conducts a provincial safety review.

In retaliatio­n, Alberta cut off talks

to buy $500-million worth of electricit­y from B.C., slapped a ban on B.C. wines and establishe­d a 19-person task force to find ways to get the pipeline built. Notley also launched an online petition for Canadians to

voice their displeasur­e at Horgan’s decision.

Horgan said Alberta’s wine boycott, which could cost the B.C. wine industry up to $17 million, violated internal trade agreements, but has said he will not escalate the feud.

On Thursday, meanwhile, the National Energy Board has issued three decisions that collective­ly provide Trans Mountain with the ability to start constructi­on on the Burnaby Mountain tunnel entrance, subject to other applicable federal, provincial and municipal permits.

Specifical­ly, the NEB issued two detailed route-hearing decisions that approved the pipeline route where the Burnaby Mountain tunnel will be constructe­d.

Trans Mountain also sought relief from the NEB on the applicabil­ity of the remaining pre-constructi­on conditions to allow tunnel-portal constructi­on to commence within the Westridge Marine Terminal property. On Thursday, the NEB granted relief from all remaining pre-constructi­on conditions specific to the tunnel portal at the Terminal.

 ?? — THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, said on Wednesday that B.C. Premier John Horgan, left, ‘is actually trying to scuttle our national plan on fighting climate change.’
— THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, said on Wednesday that B.C. Premier John Horgan, left, ‘is actually trying to scuttle our national plan on fighting climate change.’

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