The Province

Potassium helps keep our hearts OK

This nutrient is also a secret weapon when thinking of vasculatur­e, high blood pressure


High blood pressure has received a good amount of press in recent months. New guidelines have lowered the definition of hypertensi­on to a blood pressure of 130/80 instead of 140/90. In addition, the DASH diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertensi­on, a well-studied, evidence-based plan, continues to be effective decades after its first release.

High blood pressure relates to the quality of the arteries and veins that transport blood through our body, and to overall cardiovasc­ular health. Having normal blood pressure is critical to quality of life. Think of traffic on a freeway. If a city has bumper-to-bumper traffic, the entire system works inefficien­tly. Healthy vasculatur­e and normal blood pressure means traffic is smooth with no stops.

People usually associate a hearthealt­hy diet with eating less sodium, or salt. Then they taste low-sodium foods and quickly give up because of their blandness. But why not flip the perspectiv­e and consider eating more potassium, rather than only focusing on avoiding salt? Potassium can be a secret weapon when thinking of heart health, managing blood pressure and improving systems in the body. The DASH diet not only supports decreasing sodium intake, but specifical­ly supports increasing potassium as an essential part of the plan.

Why potassium? Sodium seems to get all the attention, but sodium and potassium work closely together and potassium is just as important. In a process known as the sodium potassium pump, the body moves sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell. This “pump,” the moving back and forth of these two electrolyt­es, is an essential part of how our cells function. It plays a critical role in nerve conduction, fluid, acid and base balance, and energy production.

An imbalance starts to occur because many diets are typically much higher in sodium than potassium, which causes an inefficien­cy in our system. Ideally these two electrolyt­es work hand in hand, but we overload ourselves with sodium and don’t balance it with potassium.

Adequate intake for potassium is 4,700 mg per day, but less than two per cent of Americans achieve that, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examinatio­n Survey. (Health Canada also reports a concern for those not achieving adequate intake of potassium.)

On the other hand, it’s estimated that 90.7 per cent are eating more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day, which is the Institute of Medicine’s tolerable upper limit level. Many people don’t know that one teaspoon of table salt is equivalent to 2,400 mg of sodium. It’s easy to sprinkle a teaspoon (5 mL) of salt over food without realizing it. This imbalance is what’s affecting the health of so many.

The most obvious difference between foods that are high in potassium and foods that are high in sodium is potassium sources are whole foods, often found in fruits and vegetables, while sodium-rich sources are often in packaged foods.

While focusing on adding potassium to your diet, consider eating more whole foods rather than the packaged version. Try a snack of yogurt topped with sliced banana and dried apricots instead of a bag of salted nuts or crackers. Eat a baked or roasted potato rather than salty french fries or potato chips. Drink a cup (250 mL) of coconut water or carrot juice rather than a soda. Eat a salad with beans, spinach and beets rather than a frozen or prepackage­d dinner. Add avocado to a meal instead of salted butter.

Focusing on incorporat­ing high potassium foods in a daily eating plan, while decreasing overall sodium intake can improve this important balance between these two key nutrients.

Below is a list of foods that have potassium to get started:


Winter squash such as acorn squash or butternut squash

Greens such as spinach and Swiss chard

Potatoes with the skin such as yams and Idaho potatoes

Fish such as salmon and sardines

Dried fruits such as apricots and prunes

Beverages such as coconut water and carrot juice

Legumes such as white beans, lima beans and black beans

Fruits such as banana and grapefruit

Vegetables such as beets and broccoli

Remember to picture a freeway with cars moving and no traffic. Eating more potassium-rich foods and creating more balance in the system allows that to happen.

 ?? — GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Products containing potassium: peas, walnuts, beans, parsley, basil and tomatoes.
— GETTY IMAGES FILES Products containing potassium: peas, walnuts, beans, parsley, basil and tomatoes.

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