The Province

In the Age of Trump, pipelines needed more than ever


We are British Columbians, but if you are outside the country and someone asks, “Where are you from?” I think we proudly say Canada, not B.C. So why do many of the people we elect have so much trouble standing up for Canada?

Western Canadian Select crude oil is sold exclusivel­y to the U.S., currently at more than $30 a barrel less than the world price. This amounts to tens of millions of dollars a day lost to our economy.

At the same time, U.S. President Donald Trump has slapped a 20.8 per cent tariff on softwood, announced a 300 per cent tariff on Bombardier C Series aircraft, and is contemplat­ing a tariff on our steel and aluminum. He is also threatenin­g to tear up NAFTA if he doesn’t get his way.

It is imperative our nation’s products have access to world markets, particular­ly at a time when Trump’s America First policy could have a devastatin­g effect on our economy.

The environmen­talists’ assertion that to leave the resource in the ground will reduce the use of fossils fuels is simply incorrect. If

Canada reduces supply, it will be replaced by any number of current oil-producing countries. If we truly want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are concerned about safe transport, we should build several pipelines to new, technologi­cally cleaner refineries to be built in Kitimat and Prince Rupert, thereby avoiding the shipment of bitumen through the south coast.

Wayne Cox, Victoria

Say no to filthy bitumen

Regarding Wednesday’s full-page ad from Alberta urging British Columbians to come around and see the light regarding the second pipeline, it is clear that certain factions are interested solely in money and will say anything in service of that end.

We are not interested in putting our harbours and inlets in jeopardy so that Alberta can sell filthy bitumen to parts unknown. It’s just that simple and nothing they say will alter the basic fact.

Chris Wright, Surrey

Ferry wages must freeze too

B.C. Finance Minister Carole James still doesn’t know the difference between a debit and a credit.

Freezing ferry fares, giving a 15 per cent rate reduction on smaller routes, and reinstatin­g that seniors travel free as passengers from Monday to Thursday is all fine and dandy. What James does not understand is that there are two sides to a ledger. The other side in this case is that all wages paid to all employees in the corporatio­n must also be frozen as long as the rate freeze is in effect. If that is not done, the proposal is a waste of time.

She has frozen revenue, with expenses still rising. Being paid a taxpayer-funded salary of $158,822.75 per year, you would think James would know how to do her job.

Joe Sawchuk, Duncan

Teachers welcome in B.C.

We should thank U.S. President Donald Trump. His suggestion that some teachers should carry guns to keep schools safer may be the key to solving the Lower Mainland teacher shortage.

Here, the only thing a teacher needs to be highly trained in is teaching. To U.S. teachers I say, Come on up! We sure could use you!

Warren Cruickshan­k, Burnaby

 ?? — GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? U.S. President Donald Trump has introduced tariffs on a number of Canadian products.
— GETTY IMAGES FILES U.S. President Donald Trump has introduced tariffs on a number of Canadian products.

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