The Province

Crashes indicate need to lower Coquihalla speed limits


Is it maybe time to rethink the speed limits on the Coquihalla Highway? How many times has that route been closed this winter?

The 120-km/h signs are still hanging there. Just about every incident has involved transport trucks. We should consider lowering speed limits during the winter months to 80 km/h for transport trucks and 100 km/h for passenger vehicles.

It’s pretty obvious that excessive speed during adverse road conditions is the problem. The government needs to protect people from themselves. Alan Braun, Sechelt

‘Easy money’ fuelling boom

The NDP’s announced intent to slow the real-estate market will, like other ill-conceived attempts to control speculatio­n, have little impact as long the general perception persists that there’s still money to be made.

So far, increasing density, taxing vacant houses and raising the eligibilit­y for mortgages haven’t changed anything significan­tly.

Like all market booms over the decades, the “easy money” will eventually run out and

that’s when things can get ugly as investors try to unload their assets at the same time. When that will happen and how it will affect housing prices is anyone’s guess.

Charles Leduc, Vancouver

NRA boss paranoid lunatic

While I didn’t watch very much of the speech by U.S. National Rifle Associatio­n CEO Wayne LaPierre, he came across as a paranoid lunatic, completely obsessed with the “evil” U.S. government and how regulating firearms is a conspiracy to eliminate the Second Amendment, which grants Americans the right to bear arms.

I think LaPierre and all NRA members should be ashamed of themselves for putting their need to play with machine guns, in order to feel macho, ahead of the safety of U.S. citizens, especially children.

I didn’t watch long enough to hear his defence of assault rifles for protecting one’s home, but as far as I’m concerned, they only exist for entertainm­ent purposes, and that’s totally indefensib­le. Peter Randrup, Smithers

U.S. calling kettle black

The U.S. obsession with the spectre of Russian interferen­ce in the presidenti­al election would be comical if it weren’t so hypocritic­al.

Even if Russia is guilty of nonviolent interventi­on — placing ads and releasing self-incriminat­ing emails written by the Democratic Party — its crimes pale beside the violent U.S.-orchestrat­ed overthrow of more than 30 government­s over the years. America would do itself a favour by focusing less on the speck in its brother’s eye and more on the plank in its own.

Mike Ward, Duncan

Graham harmed society

U.S. humourist Mark Twain said that while he never wished for the death of any man, he read many obituaries with pleasure. Any pleasure I might have derived from reading the obituary of Billy Graham is diminished because he was one of the driving forces behind the growth of evangelica­l Christiani­ty in the U.S., which led that country to the absurdity of the Donald Trump presidency.

I have little problem with moderate and progressiv­e churches who have made peace with science, human rights, women’s rights and other rights that evangelica­l churches still oppose. Make no mistake, Graham’s interpreta­tion of the Bible and other literalist religions are cesspools of irrational­ity that have fuelled the anti-intellectu­alism and anti-science of today.

Robert Rock, Mission City

 ?? — SHANE MACKICHAN ?? The government needs to lower winter speed limits on the Coquihalla Highway, says Alan Braun.
— SHANE MACKICHAN The government needs to lower winter speed limits on the Coquihalla Highway, says Alan Braun.

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