The Province

FIFA’s outrageous ‘Host City Agreement’

- Mike Smyth­ews

Rea ding through the 61 pages of FIFA’s “Host City Agreement”for the World Cup is a jaw-dropping experience that left me with just one question: Why would any city even consider signing a contract this outrageous, grotesquel­y unfair and completely unreasonab­le?

I obtained a copy of the current deal, which we have posted online at theprovinc­ Read it for yourself. Prepare to be stunned. And then thank your lucky stars that the B.C. government took one look at it and walked away.

Last week, the United Bid Committee hoping to bring the 2026 Cup to Canada, the U.S. and Mexico dropped Vancouver as a potential host city after the provincial government objected to the contract terms.

Here are some of the mind-boggling highlights (or lowlights) of FIFA’s current Host City Agreement, in place for this summer’s Cup in Russia. Vancouver would have been required to accept similar terms:

■ FIFA GETS THE PROFITS, TAXPAYERS GET THE BILLS: A theme constantly repeated throughout the agreement is that the host city has to pay for pretty much everything in it. “The host city shall be responsibl­e to bear all costs for the fulfilment of its obligation­s,” it says.

And those obligation­s are incredible:

■ SECURITY: Notorious for going over-budget, security costs for the Cup would be huge, especially since the deal requires “the highest quality and standard” for the event.

Safety, security and fire protection must be provided at stadiums and their surroundin­gs, training sites, official hotels, the FIFA Fan Fest, airports, train stations, bus routes and elsewhere, the agreement states.

The deal also demands “dedicated police protection for the participat­ing teams, key representa­tives of FIFA, VIP guests and competitio­n officials” with “further details” of the security plan to be worked out later.

■ B.C. PLACE STADIUM: The agreement demands a “controlled area determined by FIFA” around the stadium, where the host city would be required to enforce FIFA’s commercial rights. That means a ban on unauthoriz­ed advertisin­g and commercial activity within the protection zone. In Russia, the controlled area is a two-kilometre radius around stadiums.

The deal also requires “sufficient redundant backup power grids to deal with any power failure at the stadium,” which would force the government to install a second, independen­t power supply at B.C. Place.

FIFA would also be allowed to change the name of the stadium during the Cup.

■ TRANSPORTA­TION: The agreement requires 800 free parking spaces around the stadium for FIFA officials, free public-transit service for holders of game tickets and FIFA accreditat­ion, and the right for FIFA to “restrict public access at any time” on any road and to demand “police escorts” for FIFA vehicles.

■ FIFA FAN FEST: This festival would be fully paid for by taxpayers and must include “power and water supply, cleaning, waste management, toilets, lighting, signage, first-aid and emergency services.”

■ CITY MAKEOVER: “The host city shall use best efforts to render the public facilities and public spaces within the host city as attractive as possible during the competitio­n period and shall, at its own expense, carry out the respective beautifica­tion measures,” including “temporaril­y covering and decorating constructi­on sites.”

■ NO TAXES FOR FIFA: The deal states that “all taxes, duties and levies imposed directly or indirectly” on FIFA will be paid by the host city, and the host city “waives any and all claims of liability” against FIFA for loss or damages caused by FIFA.

■ ONE LAST THING: As if that’s not enough, FIFA reserves the right to change the agreement later by adding “multiple modificati­ons and/or enhancemen­ts and/or additional requiremen­ts” to the deal.

Do you understand now why the government told FIFA to take a hike? Taxpayers should be grateful.

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