The Province

Defence seeks manslaught­er, not murder verdict for man


A Richmond man killed his mother but is guilty of manslaught­er, not murder, the accused’s lawyer argued Monday.

In his final submission­s to a jury, Brian Coleman, who represents Darwin Lescano, said the Crown had not provided sufficient evidence that his client had the intention to murder his mother, Redelma Belissario.

“I would suggest to you that there is no doubt whatsoever that Mr. Lescano killed his mother with the axe on the date in question,” said Coleman.

“It was pretty obvious what happened on this date. The only thing we don’t know is what was in the mind of Mr. Lescano at the time.”

Coleman urged the B.C. Supreme Court jury to find that Lescano — who has pleaded not guilty to the May 2015 second-degree murder of Belissario, 62 — not guilty of murder but guilty of the lesser offence of manslaught­er. The defence lawyer blamed Lescano’s actions on his addiction to crystal methamphet­amines and argued that there was nothing rational about his behaviour.

He noted that just before the slaying, Lescano had purchased twice his normal amount of the toxic drug from his drug dealer and suggested it was reasonable to infer that he had consumed the drugs before killing his mother. “What we are talking about here is the evil of drugs. This is a classic example of what happens when drugs overtake your life.”

The jury heard Lescano’s brother had discovered the body of their mother in her Richmond home. She’d died after suffering 15 to 20 chop-style wounds, most of them delivered to the head and neck. Coleman said there was no evidence that, before the slaying, his client had physically assaulted his mother.

Earlier on Monday, Crown counsel Kristin Bryson argued that there was proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused had the necessary intent to commit murder.

Bryson told the jury that she was not required to provide a motive for the murder but that it was evident that Belissario was dead because her son didn’t like her. She said that Lescano wanted money from her and not just a little, but “a lot” and that he felt he was entitled to an inheritanc­e from her.

Bryson noted that in the months before the slaying, Lescano had threatened to kill his mom. “He told his mother he was going to kill her and he did.”

The prosecutor said that the evidence proved Lescano had had many arguments with his mother about properties owned by the victim in B.C. and the Philippine­s.

Regarding the issue of drug use, Bryson said she didn’t know whether Lescano had consumed any, some, or all of the crystal meth he had purchased before the slaying and what sort of effect any drug consumptio­n might have had on him.

She said there was not enough evidence to draw a reasonable inference from the drug purchase.

Following submission­s from the lawyers, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Miriam Gropper gave final instructio­ns to the jury, which then began their deliberati­ons.

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