The Province

Two decades after a trailblazi­ng pregnancy, the debate over compensati­ng surrogates rages on in Canada.

Two decades ago, Selina Robinson was a trail-blazing surrogate mother. Today, as the number of surrogate pregnancie­s in Canada continues to rise, the debate over reproducti­ve regulation­s rages on

- Lori Culbert

Nearly 20 years ago, long before she became B.C.’ s municipal affairs and housing minister, Selina Robinson offered to be a surrogate mother for a friend who had lost one baby and was left infertile after a second pregnancy.

The heartbroke­n friend, Terri Rypkema, and her husband were in their 40s and were deemed too old to adopt. So, they started to investigat­e the then-little-known field of gestationa­l surrogacy — when her egg would be fertilized by his sperm and implanted in the womb of another woman.

Both therapists at the same counsellin­g clinic, Rypkema confided in Robinson in 1999 about considerin­g surrogacy. The women laugh today at the blunt response from Robinson, then the mother of two schoolage children.

“I said, ‘I could do that for you Terri.’ I said, ‘I love being pregnant,’” Robinson recalled last week. “Why wouldn’t I do it? That was the bigger question for me. They transfer embryos and then you deliver a baby, and from my perspectiv­e it wasn’t that hard.”

It turns out there were a few hard parts before and after the birth of baby Evan, due to medical and legal systems not up to speed on this new form of reproducti­on.

“Certainly in British Columbia, we were among the first. There were no (surrogacy) laws,” said Rypkema, who owns Whole Life Counsellin­g in Surrey with her husband Paul and is a UBC counsellin­g instructor.

Today, the number of gestationa­l surrogacie­s across Canada has grown significan­tly, from 174 in 2007 to nearly 650 in 2016, although surrogacy still represents only two per cent of all IVF (in vitro fertilizat­ion) procedures in Canada. It is becoming more common, experts say, to help infertile couples, women who wait later in life to conceive, samesex partners, cancer survivors, and foreigners who live in countries where surrogacy is banned.

As this type of reproducti­on becomes more popular, Health Canada is trying to clarify how surrogates should be reimbursed for expenses. And a Quebec Liberal MP plans to propose a private member’s bill this spring asking the federal government to go even further: to change the law, passed in 2004, that bans paying surrogates and the donors of eggs and sperm, arguing that compensati­on is the only way to keep up with the increasing demand for these services.

This has sparked a moral debate pitting those concerned about monetizing body parts — essentiall­y creating “wombs for hire” — against those who believe that allowing desperate couples to pay for these services, as is done in the U.S., will give them a better chance to become parents.

There were no rules in Canada around compensati­on when Robinson and Rypkema embarked on this journey in 1999. Some surrogates, many in the U.S., were then demanding $50,000 or more.

“We didn’t pay Selina for it. She did it for love,” said Rypkema. The surrogacy cost her about $15,000 for the medical procedures and for Robinson’s expenses, such as vitamins, maternity clothes and some lost wages when she was put on bed rest.

Rypkema trusted Robinson implicitly during the pregnancy. Robinson saw her position as a sort of foster parent to the baby until he was born and able to live with his biological family.

“I was the incubator for this baby,” Robinson said. “It was a very clear line. People would say: ‘How will you give up this baby?’ And I would say, ‘I’m not giving up anything because he was never mine.’”

Friends and relatives were supportive, but strangers were at times cruelly judgmental of the strange, new concept.

Indeed, no B.C. fertility clinics did surrogacie­s at that time, as the practice had been put on hold in most parts of Canada pending resolution of a protracted debate on how to regulate such technology. It was still being done in Toronto and at Foothills Hospital in Calgary, which had produced only five babies from its two-year-old surrogacy program, according to a Vancouver Sun story in 2001.

After a year of travel between Calgary and Vancouver, medical tests, psychologi­cal exams, and syncing of menstrual cycles, an embryo from Terri and her husband was successful­ly implanted in Robinson, and Evan was born in 2001.

There were more battles to come, though, because B.C. law at the time acknowledg­ed only the woman who gave birth as the mother of a baby, regardless of to whom the baby was biological­ly related. The Rypkemas took a precedent-setting case in B.C. Supreme Court to get Terri declared Evan’s mother on the birth certificat­e, paving the way for other mothers with babies born through surrogacy.

Evan, now 17, considers his birth a “non-issue,” Rypkema said. He sees Robinson from time to time, though he thinks of her mainly as his mother’s friend.

Three years after Evan’s birth, the federal government passed the Assisted Human Reproducti­on Act, but setting the regulation­s — such as the expenses for which a surrogate could be reimbursed — was delayed after Quebec challenged the act. In 2016, the new Liberal government asked doctors and other fertility experts for feedback on what the regulation­s should say.

During that process, some advocates suggested the law be changed so Canadians could be paid for donating eggs or sperm, and for carrying someone else’s baby.

Quebec Liberal MP Anthony Housefathe­r said he will table his private member’s bill in May or June. It will demand that criminal penalties for charging for these services — up to 10 years in jail or a $500,000 fine — be stricken from the books.

The existing law, Housefathe­r argues, creates roadblocks for people who require assistance from others to be parents. It has forced Canadians to buy eggs and sperm from donors in other countries, which Health Canada can’t check for safety, and has “created an undergroun­d surrogacy market in Canada.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said earlier this month that these issues are complex questions that Canadians should be discussing. Alana Cattapan, an assistant professor at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Saskatchew­an, has written several academic papers opposed to compensati­on, which include concerns that paying for these service can lead to egg donors being treated as “spare parts” and surrogates as “walking wombs.”

Canadians have told her they agreed to be surrogates or donors for altruistic reasons, and not for money — but she fears that may not remain the case if payment is allowed. “There are also concerns about the commercial­ization of the human body and the potential coercion of people involved,” she said.

She also insists the federal government should not focus on how much couples can pay potential surrogates and donors, but on how to improve safety so that there are fewer bad outcomes.

In addition, she argued, this field of medicine is already a private, for-profit one because few of the elements are covered by the universal health care system, and adding even more costs will not make it accessible to more people.

“If the intentions of the government of Canada or Mr. Housefathe­r are to increase access to these services for people who want to have children in Canada, adding potential additional costs to this rather than creating a safer environmen­t — a more transparen­t environmen­t, with well-regulated procedures — seems like the wrong way to intervene,” she said.

Dr. Jeffrey Roberts, past president of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, holds the opposite opinion, that compensati­on will increase options for couples desperate to have children. While he is unsure whether Ottawa should put a cap on any fees charged, he believes a free market here would deliver more affordable prices than in the U.S., where people often pay between $5,000 and $10,000 U.S. for eggs.

“We believe there are enough Canadians that are out there who are willing to provide these services that it will settle into a reasonable (price), which is going to be much less than what they are paying in the U.S.,” said Roberts, co-founder of the Pacific Centre for Reproducti­ve Medicine in Burnaby.

Roberts, who was previously “egg donor director” at a major U.S. hospital, said that earlier this week a female patient put her head on his office desk and wept because she could not afford to pay American prices for the eggs she needed to have a baby.

“The most striking difference between the countries is the inability to recruit (egg and sperm) donors and gestationa­l surrogates in Canada, presumably due to the laws prohibitin­g payment for their services,” Roberts wrote in a letter to Health Canada in 2016. “In my experience, people do this for money, not altruistic reasons.”

There have been some high-profile examples in recent years, though, of surrogates offering free services to couples who needed help to have children:

• After Postmedia chronicled the sad story of Kate Austin-Rivas and Didier Rivas losing their newborn in 2013, following a series of medical errors at Royal Columbian Hospital, Christine Hale offered to be their surrogate, and the couple’s daughter Scarlett was born in 2016.

• For years, NDP Vancouver-West End MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert and his husband Romi had their adoption hopes dashed, often because of their sexual orientatio­n, and then their friend Amanda offered to carry a child for them. Baby Dev was born in 2017.

• Justin Mallard and Brett Rancourt, of Chilliwack, had twins in 2014, thanks to friend Raylene Bussinger being their surrogate and friend Lisa Wooldridge donating her eggs. Today, twins Jordyn and Sawyer are nearly four years old.

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Mallard and Rancourt, like the other couples mentioned above, followed Canadian law and only paid for the expenses of the women who gave them the gift of birth. In an interview, Mallard said he would have liked to compensate them more — a nice gift, perhaps — but he was precluded from doing so by the criminal penalties.

While their experience with surrogacy was “deeply personal,” he noted other same-sex or infertile couples may not have two altruistic friends willing to help — and therefore could benefit from a system that allows payment, within reason.

“I definitely can see both sides of this,” Mallard said. “I think we should have the right to do something nice because the gift they are giving us is priceless. I would just hope to not see surrogacy become a business like it is in the States.”

It cost the couple about $25,000 to have the twins, to cover medical bills and expenses for Bussinger and Wooldridge. But to do this through a paid American surrogate would have cost about $100,000, Mallard said, and even buying eggs was financiall­y out of reach for the two men.

He is adamant that if compensati­on is introduced in Canada, it should remain affordable.

“Will it be regulated so it stays within reach of the everyday family?” asked Mallard, business developmen­t manager at Murray Honda in Chilliwack.

“Our current law around this is outdated, and is in need of revision to allow discretion­ary compensati­on, without commercial­izing the process.”

Ultimately, he hopes other couples struggling with conception can experience his “absolutely incredible” last four years with Rancourt and their twins. “They are just such a gift for us.”

Rypkema, the trailblaze­r who fought for mothers’ rights 15 years ago, believes more clarity is needed for the reimbursem­ent of expenses — such as counsellin­g to ensure both the surrogate and biological mother are comfortabl­e with the process. But she is “on the fence” about whether she supports payment beyond that.

“I think it would be a real shame for someone not to be able to have children, particular­ly with gestationa­l surrogacy, because there’s a law that says you can’t pay someone,” she said. “On the other hand, there is the risk of exploitati­on.”

Robinson, who was a Coquitlam city councillor before entering provincial politics in 2013, does not want to comment on Housefathe­r’s proposed bill, but she does believe society needs to be talking about surrogacy more often.

“There are women who want to be helpful, to help people have families. So how can we help them? Are there things we can do to facilitate that? I think having conversati­ons about that is important.”

“There are women who want to be helpful, to help people have families. So how can we help them?” — SELINA ROBINSON

 ??  ?? From left, Brett Rancourt, Sawyer, Justin Mallard and Jordyn. The twins are now nearly four years old.
From left, Brett Rancourt, Sawyer, Justin Mallard and Jordyn. The twins are now nearly four years old.
 ?? BILL KEAY ?? From left, Terri Rypkema, 7-month-old baby Evan Rypkema, and Selina Robinson. Selina carried Evan, who is Terri and husband Paul’s genetic child, through gestation pregnancy.
BILL KEAY From left, Terri Rypkema, 7-month-old baby Evan Rypkema, and Selina Robinson. Selina carried Evan, who is Terri and husband Paul’s genetic child, through gestation pregnancy.
 ?? GLENN BAGLO ?? Selina Robinson (foreground) carried friend Terri Rypkema’s baby in 2001.
GLENN BAGLO Selina Robinson (foreground) carried friend Terri Rypkema’s baby in 2001.
 ??  ??
 ?? KAYLE NEIS ?? Alana Cattapan says that paying for these services can lead to egg donors being treated as “spare parts.”
KAYLE NEIS Alana Cattapan says that paying for these services can lead to egg donors being treated as “spare parts.”

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