The Province

Not coming soon to a theatre near you

Medium not the message for this movie’s release on Netflix only, but shooting on film required extra trust


› Kodachrome Now streaming, Netflix

Mark Raso is a conflicted director. His newest film, Kodachrome, played on big screens at the Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival last fall, but as of last Friday, the only way Canadians can see it is on Netflix. It’s getting a theatrical release in 10 U.S. cities, but for the rest of the world it’s streaming only.

Even more incongruou­s is that the fictional film, set in 2010, tells the story of Benjamin Ryder (Ed Harris), a photograph­er who has just found four old rolls of undevelope­d film and needs to get them to the last Kodachrome lab in Kansas before it closes its doors forever. In keeping with the theme, Raso shot the film on — well, actual film.

Reached on his way to the Los Angeles premiere, Raso is sanguine. “There’s definitely an irony to it,” he says mildly of the Netflix release. “In a perfect world it would be in as many theatres as possible, and more people would be going to the movies in general to choose a movie like this. But I’m not sure that is the reality today.”

On the other hand, he says, Netflix’s 100-million-plus subscriber base is nothing to sneeze at. And he thinks the movie will look just fine on smaller screens, though it may not feel the same. “I feel like it hits emotional highs and lows that people can tap into more in a group environmen­t. But visually, it’ll be fine.”

Some of those emotional beats come courtesy of Jason Sudeikis as Benjamin’s estranged son, and Elizabeth Olsen as his personal assistant. Both accompany him on the road trip to Kansas. It’s a rare dramatic role for Sudeikis, best known from Saturday Night Live and such films as Horrible Bosses.

Raso says the comedy background was never an issue. “The first thing I said (to him) was ‘This is not a comedy,’ and he said, ‘Oh yes, I know that.’ Some of the people who played opposite Jason, their first reaction was to try to make everything funny. I had to take them aside and say this was real.”

After the premiere in Toronto last fall, even Harris weighed in on the subject. He’s directed two films, 2000’s Pollock and 2008’s Appaloosa. “If you’re shooting on film because of the quality of the image, but they’re going to transfer it to digital anyway in all these theatres, you’re losing it,” he said. “That’s what’s annoying. We shot Appaloosa on film, and when I saw it screened (digitally) I was like — ” He made an annoyed grunt. “It’s annoying.”

Raso says he “fell in love” with using film making Kodachrome, and would love to do it again. “There’s so much more trust in everyone involved in making this film because you can’t see it (instantly), you can’t push a button, you can’t delete, you can’t see what you got. There’s not even a lab in Toronto that processes film, so we had to ship it to Montreal.”

That was a little unnerving. “We wouldn’t see what we shot for days. And everyone felt a little bit more in tune with what we were doing because of the preciousne­ss of it, the fact that we knew. This was a 27-day shoot. If something was out of focus, if something wasn’t working, we weren’t coming back to pick it up.”

He may yet have one last chance for people to see Kodachrome projected on film. Plans are afoot for a special screening at the Kodak Center Theater in Rochester, N.Y., still the home of the headquarte­rs for the 130-year-old imaging company Kodak. “So much of that city ran off Kodak,” he says. Timeline for the screening? He sounds hopeful: “Maybe in the spring.”

 ?? — NETFLIX ?? From left, Ed Harris, Elizabeth Olsen and Jason Sudeikis go on the road in Kodachrome.
— NETFLIX From left, Ed Harris, Elizabeth Olsen and Jason Sudeikis go on the road in Kodachrome.

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