The Province

Trump cancels N. Korea summit

President decries ‘tremendous anger’ in statement by Kim Jong Un


WASHINGTON — In a dramatic diplomatic turn, President Donald Trump on Thursday called off next month’s summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, calling the cancellati­on a “tremendous setback” for peace and stressing that the U.S. military was ready to respond to any “foolish or reckless acts” by the North.

Trump first announced his decision in a letter to Kim released by the White House, in which he cited “tremendous anger and open hostility” in a recent statement by the North, adding that it was “inappropri­ate, at this time, to have this longplanne­d meeting.”

Trump also issued a clear threat, writing, “You talk about your nuclear capabiliti­es, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.”

Speaking at the White House later, Trump said a “maximum pressure campaign” will continue against North Korea and that he was “waiting” should Kim choose to engage in “constructi­ve” actions.

He added that it was “possible that the existing summit could take place or a summit at some later date.”

The abrupt cancellati­on of the June 12 meeting withdraws the U.S. for now from an unpreceden­ted summit that offered the prospect of a historic nuclear peace treaty or an epic diplomatic failure. No sitting American president has ever met with a North Korea leader.

In the North Korean statement that Trump cited, a top Foreign Ministry official referred to Vice-President Mike Pence as a “political dummy” for his comments on the North and said it was up to the U.S. whether they will “meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown.”

Trump said the world was losing a “great opportunit­y for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth.”

But he left the door open to the chance that the summit could yet be reschedule­d: “If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write.”

The question now is how the message will be received. The letter could possibly make the situation worse in a culture where saving face can be pivotal. Kim has both internatio­nal and internal respect to maintain, and could take offence at Trump making this move after he released American detainees and destroyed a nuclear site.

One U.S. official said the decision to call off the summit was made Thursday morning in response to the statement disparagin­g Pence and threatenin­g nuclear war. A White House official said it was incorrect to focus solely on the “dummy” comment, saying that the nuclear threats meant that no summit could be successful under such circumstan­ces. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberati­ons.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, testifying on Capitol Hill, said North Korea had not responded to repeated requests from U.S. officials to discuss logistics for the summit.

Pompeo said the North’s attitude had changed markedly since he returned from a trip to Pyongyang earlier this month during which he met with Kim and oversaw the release of three Americans being held there.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in played a major role in planning for the summit and sought to keep it on the rails in a visit to the White House this week.

Moon was also critical of using statements, tweets and spokespeop­le as a way to communicat­e between the leaders.

“It’s hard to resolve the diplomatic issue, which is both difficult and sensitive, with current way of communicat­ion,” Moon said in a statement.

The cancellati­on came shortly after Kim made good on his promise to demolish his country’s nuclear test site, which was formally closed in a series of huge explosions Thursday as a group of foreign journalist­s looked on.

The president had agreed to the historic sit-down in March after months of trading insults and nuclear threats with the North Korean leader.

 ?? — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? U.S. President Donald Trump has cancelled a planned summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, and says that a ‘maximum pressure campaign’ will continue against the country.
— THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. President Donald Trump has cancelled a planned summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, and says that a ‘maximum pressure campaign’ will continue against the country.

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