The Province

Salvation Army shelters city’s most vulnerable from heat


With Metro Vancouver in the midst of a heat wave, and parts of the province reaching record highs, the Salvation Army is opening cooling shelters for Vancouver’s most vulnerable in the Downtown Eastside.

Environmen­t Canada issued a heat warning on Monday, and temperatur­es are expected to hit the low 30s in parts of Metro Vancouver over the next few days. Salvation Army Vancouver Harbour Light is opening up safe places for folks in the DTES to cool down and get some water at three locations along Cordova Street:

The Salvation Army Beacon, 138 East Cordova Street;

The Salvation Army Crosswalk, 136 East Cordova Street;

The Salvation Haven, 128 East Cordova Street.

“We are ultimately concerned for the safety of our community,” says Salvation Army Harbour Light executive director Jim Coggles. “Our dedicated team of staff and volunteers are working tirelessly to ensure people are getting what they need during this time.”

The Salvation Army is asking the public to help by donating bottled water, hats and sunscreen at the Harbour Light Centre at 119 East Cordova Street in Vancouver.

“For people living on the street, a lot of them already deal with severe health problems ... and have limited access to services, and the heat just exacerbate­s things,” said Salvation Army spokespers­on Mike Leland. “Anything we can do to alleviate those conditions, whether it’s providing them water, sunscreen, hats or keeping them cool by getting them off the street, we are going to do.”

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