The Province

Middle-aged white male vows to vote for Homer Simpson


As a middle-aged, white, university-educated male with a long-standing vested interest in Vancouver Island politics, I can honestly say that for the first time in my life I will not be voting NDP if, as a middle-aged white male, I am not allowed to decide my future.

I am all for equality of all people, but I will not vote for a government that will limit who can run for office. Bring on the byelection and the general election. I’m voting for Homer Simpson if he’s running for the Liberals. Gord McAulay, Ladysmith

Don’t go to Trinity Western

The Supreme Court of Canada decision to allow law societies to ban law graduates of Trinity Western University is a perfect illustrati­on of never letting the facts get in the way of an ideology.

Put aside questions of religious faith and carefully examine the situation. TWU’s commitment standard is temporary and voluntary.

If you disagree, you don’t go to that private institutio­n. As a parent, the commitment is a no-brainer. Ted Cooper, Powell River

PR amplifies small parties

The advocates of proportion­al representa­tion say the current voting system makes it possible to win an election with only 40 per cent of the vote.

The problem with PR is that it encourages people to start small splinter parties that can dictate who forms the government, as we saw in B.C. after the last election. They can also impose their policies and spending priorities on major parties. This has happened in France and Israel.

The ultrarelig­ious parties in Israel have given their voters fantastic benefits at the expense of the other 95 per cent of the population. David Holroyd, Vancouver

Let’s try electoral reform

First-past-the-post advocates say proportion­al representa­tion could take longer to form a government.

This is a red herring. B.C.’s Liberal government was happy to adjourn parliament for nine months in 2012-2013, so why is a bit of a delay in forming a government a big deal?

They also say your MLA may not be as local. This is true, but unimportan­t. Most MLAs vote the party line rather than their local ridings’ wishes. I would rather be represente­d by a less local person with whom I agree than a local person who’s policies I oppose.

Let’s try PR. The legislatur­e could revisit the issue after two elections if there are unforeseen problems. Steen Petersen, Nanaimo

Make the U.S. ‘sting’ a bit

Having just witnessed U.S. President Donald Trump’s performanc­e at the G-7, my wife and I, my kids and their families have decided to refuse to buy anything American, if possible.

It has been a bit inconvenie­nt, but on the whole, Canadian products are almost always available.

Now is not the time in Canada for partisan politics. We must make a united effort as their largest export market to make it sting a little to get the attention of the U.S. Rick Cregg, Chilliwack

No free ride for dairy farms

The op-ed Sunday from the B.C. Dairy Associatio­n is an attempt to deflect the fact that Canadian consumers are over-paying for dairy products.

Instead of trying to make the case for the free ride that dairy producers get in exchange for their political support, they blame the U.S. for doing the same thing. It’s another case of ignorant politician­s making a mess of the free-market system in order to get re-elected. Chris Emeno, Vancouver

 ??  ?? NDP MLA Leonard Krog’s decision to run for mayor of Nanaimo has sparked debate about a possible byelection.
NDP MLA Leonard Krog’s decision to run for mayor of Nanaimo has sparked debate about a possible byelection.

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