The Province

City solar bikers racing from France to Iran


Name the strangest contraptio­n you’ve ever seen travelling on a road and you still won’t come close to what a pair of Vancouveri­tes are set to steer from France to Iran.

If you’re now thinking of Homer Simpson’s car of the future, you’re getting closer — but there’s still a key problem with such a vision: too much car.

Justin Lemire-Elmore and Anne-Sophie Rodet are driving a solar-electric rowbike from Lyon to Tehran as part of the SunTrip 2018 e-bike rally.

The rally has actually set Guangzhou, China, as the final destinatio­n point, but the Vancouver couple has a solid reason not to finish: they’re set to get married in August.

Yes, it’s one of the more unique pre-wedding honeymoons you’ve ever heard of.

The SunTrip 2018 tour has a simple driving premise: the e-bikes entered can only charge their batteries using solar energy. To get to China, the riders can take any route they like — but they also don’t get to have a support vehicle following behind.

The route Lemire-Elmore and Rodet plan to take before heading home for their nuptials will pass through Italy, Croatia, Greece, Turkey and then into Iran.

Lemire-Elmore runs Vancouver’s GRIN Technologi­es, a small engineerin­g firm that specialize­s in conversion kits for turning regular bicycles into electric-motor-powered two-wheelers.

In a post on GRIN’s website, the project to build the e-bike is described as a case of turning “a Craigslist-trike purchase into the back-to-backtandem-solar-electric-rowbike of our dreams.”

Lemire-Elmore founded the business more than a decade ago as a spinoff from the electric bike club at the University of B.C.

It’s a business that’s very well suited to his natural instincts, one of his co-workers explained. And so is the bike he and Rodet are riding.

“Justin is the kind of person who decides to build a motor-assist unicycle,” Robbie Campbell said. “He’s always wanted to have a rowing bicycle.”

The three-wheeled contraptio­n has two seats. The rider in the seat that’s facing forward pedals and steers the bike, while the rider in the back faces backwards and instead of pedalling with their feet, uses a rowing setup with their arms to power the machine forward.

There’s also an electric motor hooked up to the front two wheels, which assists in propelling the trike forward. The motor is hooked up to a solar panel that’s mounted above the riders’ heads, essentiall­y doubling as a roof.

A normal conversion kit sold by GRIN goes for a couple of thousand dollars — the price for putting together the trike is obviously a lot higher, Campbell said. (GRIN sells about 1,000 kits per year to manufactur­ers, bike shops and individual­s.)

Lemire-Elmore and GRIN’s focus is on promoting the utility of light, electric vehicles in our ever-densifying communitie­s, Campbell explained. This trike may look crazy, but from their eyes, in a world most people’s vehicles actually spend very little time outside of their local communitie­s, it’s a case of “why not?”

“It’s about how we use the space better for getting around,” he said.

 ??  ?? Justin Lemire-Elmore and Anne-Sophie Rodet are driving a solar-electric rowbike in an e-bike rally from France to Iran.
Justin Lemire-Elmore and Anne-Sophie Rodet are driving a solar-electric rowbike in an e-bike rally from France to Iran.

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