The Province

Time for Canada to reform laws governing sex trade

- ALEX SANGHA Alex Sangha is a registered clinical social worker and counsellor.

When will Prime Minister Justin Trudeau act to reform Canada’s sex work laws? It makes no sense that it is legal to be a sex worker, but it is illegal to hire a sex worker. It is no one’s business what mutually consenting adults choose to do or not to do.

I am tired of those with political power imposing their values and beliefs on a segment of the population that is among the most marginaliz­ed, vulnerable and at-risk in our society.

Prostituti­on is often referred to as “the world’s oldest profession,” but selling your body for money brings up profound ethical and moral issues. It can permanentl­y damage self-esteem, self-confidence and spirit.

People involved in the trade have a higher chance of becoming addicted to drugs, getting HIV or an STD, or becoming the victim of violence or even murder. It is not the glamorous lifestyle we see in Pretty Woman.

Some people argue that people with specific disabiliti­es should have the services of a sex trade worker covered under their health-care plan. The argument is that sex is a normal and natural part of the human condition and nobody should be deprived of it. They believe a healthy sex life should be part of an overall health and wellness plan and, to a large extent, I agree.

The problem with this idea is that people don’t go into the sex trade because they want to be a valuable part of the health-care system. They go into it because of a lot of complex social issues such as drug addiction and poverty, or maybe a personal history of sexual abuse.

When it comes to the issue of legalizing the sex trade, I am a realist. I don’t think prostituti­on is going to disappear, so politician­s need to develop practical policies, as well as health and safety standards, that recognize this.

Such a move would be for everyone’s benefit, especially the men and women in the sex trade, who are among the most marginaliz­ed and oppressed in our society.

My top reasons to provide sex trade workers with more rights and basic protection are:

Technology: The internet and mobile phones are creating a huge online market for erotic massage, escorts, phone sex and live shows via webcam.

Health: A profession­al associatio­n for sex trade workers would reduce overall health-care costs for society. The associatio­n can require all sex trade workers to be free of STDs (or disclose their condition to their clients) to obtain a licence to practice. This would encourage everyone in the sex trade industry to practice safe sex and would ensure fewer diseases are spread.

Business: A red-light district might provide a safe harbour from serial killers and violent clients. Sex trade workers could set up cooperativ­es and safe, secure and clean brothels.

Crime: Regulation would provide incentives for sex trade workers to report underage workers, since they would be taking business away from legal, adult, licensed workers. If they had more rights and protection­s, sex trade workers could turn to police for help rather than fear harassment.

Legal: The legal system would spend less money on prosecutin­g sex trade workers and their clients.

Social: A profession­al associa- tion for sex trade workers could provide health and wellness, family-oriented, and practical social services, such as free counsellin­g, STD checks, career and vocational options to help sex trade workers exit the profession, and provide support for those who have children.

Black market: The black market that has been created by prostituti­on has led to the victimizat­ion, oppression, discrimina­tion, and murder of many innocent sex trade workers (mostly women).

Taxes: Alcohol, tobacco and casino gambling are legal. They bring in billions of dollars of tax revenue for the government. Giving sex trade workers more rights and basic protection­s could bring in increased tax revenue for the government and reduce legal, court, and police-related costs.

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