The Province

Ocean-based salmon farms deeply misunderst­ood

- JOHN PAUL John Paul Fraser is the new executive director of the B.C. Salmon Farmers Associatio­n.

Ihave an admission to make. I had doubts when I was first approached about becoming a candidate for the B.C. Salmon Farmers Associatio­n’s new executive director.

I have seen the media stories about the industry and, frankly, didn’t know much about it other than some of the negative impression­s that the articles left.

But as I started looking a little deeper, it did not take long for my perspectiv­e to radically shift, and for me to start becoming passionate about salmon farming in B.C. In just a few weeks I have come to know it is a really important industry, but deeply misunderst­ood.

I did not know that almost three-quarters of the salmon B.C. harvests each year comes from ocean-based farms. Or that the industry supports thousands of families living in B.C.’s coastal communitie­s with good-paying, steady jobs. A lot of those jobs are held by young, local First Nations people who are deeply connected to the environmen­t, working in the communitie­s in which they grew up.

Perhaps most clearly, I learned salmon farming is one of our province’s green industries, raising a sustainabl­e product with minimal environmen­tal impact because they have effectivel­y addressed every issue that has been raised. It has done the hard work required to evolve, to get better, greener, more responsibl­e.

Meeting with the people who raise these fish I have been struck by how deeply they understand that wild salmon come first and that they must play a critical role in protecting wild population­s: by operating responsibl­y and using the most innovative techniques, by supporting and acting on independen­t science, and by giving consumers a local and healthy alternativ­e when making their meal choices.

I was struck by how passionate they are about providing a healthy, sustainabl­e food.

I learned that in B.C. fish farming is the most regulated industry in the agricultur­al sector, and our farmers committed to achieving the world’s most stringent third-party environmen­tal and social standards certificat­ion.

I also learned that the UN itself is a proponent of aquacultur­e because the human race needs the food fish that farming produces. Today, more than half of the fish we consume globally comes from farms, and the UN just issued a report predicting that will grow to two-thirds in just the next 12 years.

Wild fish population­s here and around the world are under pressure from over-fishing and climate change. Wild fish are an important food, but eating too much of it only puts them under more pressure, so if we want to eat fish responsibl­y we need to farm it. B.C. can play a key role in that.

Raising more salmon on land to complement sustainabl­e oceanbased farming is part of the answer — but moving all our fish on land is not. Raising large numbers of fish on land hasn’t yet been accomplish­ed anywhere in the world, and trying to make that move would have significan­t environmen­tal consequenc­es.

Fish raised in big ocean pens swim in natural ocean currents, keeping them healthy and happy. Replicatin­g that natural environmen­t in concrete tanks would require huge amounts of electricit­y, increasing greenhouse-gas emissions.

It would also require us to pave over huge tracts of land — about 159 square kilometres, approximat­ely the size of 28,000 Canadian football fields, to bring all the salmon being farmed in Canada on land.

We need to responsibl­y consider consequenc­es like this before we latch on to a solution in search of a problem that doesn’t exist.

Our opportunit­y is in front of us — to raise fish off our coast — responsibl­y, sustainabl­y, and in consultati­on and growing partnershi­p with First Nations and other communitie­s.

The opportunit­y to correct the misunderst­andings about this important industry and ensure it takes its rightful place along products such as wine, skiing, timber, and technology as part of British Columbians’ identity drew me to this role.

My first priority in this role will be to earn the public’s trust. I know there is a lot of work to do on that front, and I’m passionate about getting started.

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