The Province

Think before you post online: SonReal

Vancouver rapper tackles ‘insane’ amount of cyberbully­ing these days with release of new song


Ask any artist and they’d likely tell you: there’s no easy road to fame. Even in the age of social media.

As the online appetite for more photos and videos grows, artists have the ability to release their creations directly to their fans — and, also, their foes. And this often means coming face to face with an unwelcome, not to mention unfiltered, dose of hurtful words and hate.

Vancouver rapper SonReal (offstage name, Aaron Hoffman) is no stranger to this new reality. That’s why he teamed up with Telus for the company’s #EndBullyin­g initiative to create a song that touches on the brutal realities of the online world. Titled No More, the profits from the song will be donated by Black Box Recordings to the TELUS Friendly Future Foundation aimed at supporting anti-cyberbully­ing programs in Canada. Telus will give $1 with ever pledge made at­g.

SonReal chatted with Postmedia News about the new song, his own online experience­s and the one thing he wishes online bullies would do before they pushed “post”.


What made you want to create this song?


I’ve been wanting to write a song about something like this for a long time. I’ve actually taken a stab at writing a song about this three or four times, but I never got the right song that I felt comfortabl­e with putting it out. There’s a lot that goes in to making a song, and making something that you’re really proud of — and you know you’re going to perform for the next 10 years.


So, why was the timing finally right?


Telus hit me up, and they wanted to collaborat­e on this anti-bullying project. And I’m passionate about it. I’ve got nieces and nephews and it was something that I actually wanted to do. So, when I flew into Toronto, and went to record and write the song, I wasn’t sure if I could create something that I was really excited about. But, we did. We got something that I’m really proud of.


The song comes across as heartfelt and authentic. How did you strike the balance?


I think I took the standpoint and the approach on this of just talking about my life and what I’ve gone through. A lot of people think that, being an artist, that everything is great. You get to go travel the world. And I have more fans than I’ve ever had and more people who love my music right now, more people who watch my videos right now than ever before — but I also have more people not liking what I do. A lot more people saying things online that are disrespect­ful.


What do you hope people take away from this song?


I think everyone faces (cyberbully­ing) at some point or another. The biggest thing I wanted to get across in this song is that it’s getting insane the amount of cyberbully­ing that’s going on. I want to shed awareness on that and just be like, yo, just because you say something or type something on your phone or computer — don’t think that it doesn’t reach that person.


What’s been your experience with cyber-bullying?


People write crazy stuff to me. And I’ve actually messaged people back who have typed crazy things to me — super disrespect­ful things — and I’ll hit them back and be like, 'yo, that’s pretty crazy what you said.' And then they’ll come back and be like, 'Oh, I totally didn’t mean it! I can’t believe you replied, I’m such a big fan! I didn’t mean it.' Man, nobody would do that in real life.

And I think, for kids, and I think about my nieces and nephews, these kids are on their phones already. And they’re at school and some kid might not say anything to their face, or he doesn’t even need to, because he can go home and post something like a photo and say something crazy. And then other kids start commenting.

But, the song’s not just for kids. People go through bullying at any age.

Q How do you filter out the negativity?


I just have to put things into perspectiv­e. Say you’re wearing a red jacket right now and I show it to 10 people. Most of those 10 people are going to like that jacket. Now, I show it to 50 people. And, maybe 49 of the 50 like it. But, you start showing that jacket to 10,000, 30,000, 40,000 people — you’re always going to have people who don’t like it.

I think I make great music. I love my music. I listen to my music all the time. People come up to me and say, 'Oh, I love your music.' And it used to be all love. Because my videos only got like 6,000 views, so all the comments would be nice. But, there would only be like 20 comments on the video. But, I think, as you expose yourself to more people and be honest with your fans, and be honest with your art, there’s no way you’re not going to have some people who don’t like you.

Q We live in a world where people are seemingly rewarded for saying the cruelest, most outlandish thing. What’s the one thing you wish people would do before they posted something like this?


Honestly, just think about it. Think about what you’re about to say to somebody. If it’s going to be constructi­ve criticism, I don’t mind! It’s more so the insanely disrespect­ful stuff that I’m not even trying to look at it — but I reply to my fans, I engage with my fans, so I have no choice but to look at it. It’s that crazy stuff ... the threatenin­g things, that, 99 per cent of the time, people don’t even mean it. They’re just trying to get a rise out of you.

Q Lastly, what advice would you give to people who are struggling with bullying?


I would say, you know, just don’t listen to it. Go focus on what’s good. If you don’t pay attention to it, you’re not giving it any energy. I try to focus all my energy on positive things — even if there’s something negative happening in my life, I don’t let that in. And, most of all, just know that it’s not true.

 ??  ?? Rapper SonReal has thrown his support behind an antibullyi­ng campaign with the release a new song, No More.
Rapper SonReal has thrown his support behind an antibullyi­ng campaign with the release a new song, No More.

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