The Province

McCallum out as ambassador to China

Embattled diplomat resigns at PM’s urging after latest comments on Huawei executive’s case


Justin Trudeau should have fired his ambassador the moment he interfered in this case.”

Andrew Scheer

OTTAWA — After a week in which he twice weighed in on a high-stakes extraditio­n case, John McCallum is out as Canada’s ambassador to China — although for Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer, the damage has already been done.

“It should never have come to this,” Scheer tweeted Saturday, after the prime minister’s office released a statement announcing McCallum’s resignatio­n at the request of Justin Trudeau.

That move came just hours after McCallum was quoted in a Vancouver newspaper saying it would be “great for Canada” if the United States dropped its extraditio­n request for Meng Wanzhou, the Huawei executive who was detained in Vancouver last month.

McCallum told StarMetro Vancouver on Friday that if the U.S. and China reach an agreement on Meng’s case, the deal should include the release of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, two Canadians currently detained in China.

“We have to make sure that if the U.S. does such a deal, it also includes the release of our two people. And the U.S. is highly aware of that,” McCallum told the Star.

That comment followed a statement McCallum issued Thursday, saying he misspoke earlier in the week when he discussed Meng’s case with a group of Chinese-language journalist­s in Toronto, listing several arguments he thought could help her with her legal fight against extraditio­n.

McCallum’s dismissal Saturday was too little too late for Scheer, who had called on Trudeau to fire the ambassador as early as Wednesday, on the grounds that McCallum’s remarks raised concerns about the politiciza­tion of the Meng case.

“Justin Trudeau should have fired his ambassador the moment he interfered in this case. Instead, he did nothing and allowed more damage to be done. More weakness and more indecision from Trudeau on China,” Scheer tweeted Saturday.

In a brief scrum in Ottawa, Scheer accused the prime minister of damaging not only Canada’s internatio­nal reputation, but its chances of securing the release of Kovrig and Spavor.

He said McCallum’s initial comments raised the spectre of political interferen­ce in the Meng case, and that by failing to act immediatel­y, Trudeau undercut his own assurances that the case would be handled independen­tly by the courts.

“This is, I think, part of a bigger problem. And that is Justin Trudeau’s approach to diplomacy, where he thought he could conduct image-oversubsta­nce foreign affairs. And now Canadians are paying for his mistakes,” Scheer said.

“Canadians’ treatment in China is being affected by this.”

Trudeau had initially come to McCallum’s defence, after the first set of controvers­ial remarks became public. The prime minister said earlier this week that his government’s focus was on getting detained Kovrig and Spavor home safely from China and ensuring their rights are respected — and recalling McCallum wouldn’t achieve that.

The PMO declined to comment on exactly what led to the prime minister’s change of heart about McCallum’s fate.

In a news release announcing the ambassador’s resignatio­n, Trudeau thanked McCallum for nearly two decades of service.

After McCallum’s resignatio­n, Jim Nickel, deputy head of mission at the Embassy of Canada in Beijing, will represent the country in China as chargé d’affaires effective immediatel­y, the prime minister said.

 ?? — CP FILES ?? Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer says John McCallum, right, should have lost his job as Canada’s ambassador to China after he first weighed in on the case of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou last Wednesday.
— CP FILES Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer says John McCallum, right, should have lost his job as Canada’s ambassador to China after he first weighed in on the case of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou last Wednesday.

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