The Province


First video of shadowy IS leader since 2014


BEIRUT — The shadowy leader of the Islamic State group claimed to appear for the first time in five years in a video released by the extremist group’s propaganda arm on Monday, acknowledg­ing defeat in the group’s last stronghold in Syria but vowing a “long battle” ahead.

The man said to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the video also claimed the Easter Day bombings in Sri Lanka which killed over 250 people were “part of the revenge” that awaits the West.

The video released Monday by a media outlet run by the extremists, Al-Furqan, shows al-Baghdadi with a bushy grey and red beard, wearing a black robe with a beige vest and seated on the floor with what appears to be an AK-47 rifle propped up next to him. He is speaking with three men seated opposite him whose faces were covered and blotted out.

It is his first video appearance since he delivered a sermon at the al-Nuri mosque in the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2014. In that video, he appeared as a black-robed figure with a trimmed black beard to deliver a sermon from the pulpit of the mosque in which he urged Muslims around the world to swear allegiance to the caliphate and obey him as its leader.

Since then, he has only released audio messages through the group’s media outlets.

In the video released Monday, al-Baghdadi acknowledg­ed that IS lost the war in the eastern Syrian village of Baghouz, the group’s last sliver of territory, which was captured last month by the U.S.-backed Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces. The fall of Baghouz marked the militants’ territoria­l defeat and the end of their self-declared Islamic caliphate over parts of Syria and Iraq.

Most significan­tly, he praised the recent attacks in Sri Lanka which he said have “pleased the hearts of Muslims”.

It is unclear when or where the video was filmed. Al-Baghdadi appeared to be in good health, although he spoke slowly and sometimes haltingly in the video.

With a $25-million U.S. bounty on his head, al-Baghdadi is the world’s most wanted man.

 ?? MILITANT VIDEO VIA AP ?? Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is seen, left, during a public appearance in Mosul, Iraq, in 2014. Right, a still image purported to be al-Baghdadi taken from a video released Monday.
MILITANT VIDEO VIA AP Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is seen, left, during a public appearance in Mosul, Iraq, in 2014. Right, a still image purported to be al-Baghdadi taken from a video released Monday.

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