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ARIES | (march 21-April 19)

This week you want to travel and “get away from all this.” You want to expand your world in an adventurou­s way and learn something new! Take note that the Full Moon in the middle of the week triggers an accident-prone time for you. From Monday to Thursday, you must pay attention. Be mindful of everything you say and do because most accidents can be avoided if we’re aware of our surroundin­gs. Mid-week, you might say goodbye to a boss, parent or someone in authority. However, by Friday, you might have a crush on someone in authority! It’s a mixed bag and your sex drive is heightened!

TAURUS | (April 20-may 20)

You’re never casual about money, which is a good thing, because you’re the financial wizard of the zodiac. This week financial issues might come to a head, especially by mid-week. These issues could relate to a loan, shared property, insurance matters or anything to do with how your wealth is involved with someone else, especially a partner. You’ll be vocal about situations. Meanwhile, travel plans will appeal, even though initially you might be hesitant because you wonder if you can afford it. By Friday, you’re ready to hit the road.

GEMINI | (may 21-June 20)

You’ll be more involved in close friendship­s and partnershi­ps this week. Significan­t discussion­s will take place, probably about money, inheritanc­es and shared property. (They also might be about sex.) Tension will build up at the beginning of the week because on Wednesday, the only Full Moon all year in

Gemini is taking place. This might affect your sleep. It might make you touchy when you’re dealing with others. Initially, you’ll feel a bit shutdown or reserved. However, by the end of the week, you will have strong reactions about something. Whatever it is could be related to shared property or shared responsibi­lities, but it might also be about your sex life.

CANCER | (June 21-July 22)

Whoa Nellie! All this heavyduty action with Venus is going to take place 180 degrees opposite your sign. And because the Moon is your ruler, you’ll feel the increased tension at the beginning of the week building up until Wednesday/Thursday when the Full Moon occurs. What does this mean? It means you should send out for dark chocolate. Relations with partners and close friends might be stilted and a bit awkward at the beginning of the week. Neverthele­ss, by Friday, they’ll be passionate — one way or the other. This could be passionate sex or a passionate argument. Mars will encourage playful flirtation­s and fun escapes. Meanwhile, both the Sun and Mercury will keep you focused at work. A curious mixed bag, indeed!

LEO | (July 23-Aug. 22)

The overall tone of this week for you is one of lightheart­ed play. You want to party! You want to enjoy sports events, fun activities with kids and social excursions, perhaps even a vacation. Admittedly, increased chaos and activity on the home front can’t be ignored. (A bottle of bubbly might help?) Meanwhile, when Venus lines up with Saturn mid-week, and then at the end of the week when it lines up with Pluto — all of this will take place in your House of Employment and Health. Quite likely, you’ll be aware of duties and responsibi­lities earlier in the week, but by the end of the week, your passion will take you pell-mell! Could be a work-related romance or you might feel passionate about whatever you’re working on?

VIRGO | (Aug. 23-sept. 22)

Home, family and your private life continue to be your primary focus right now. Family discussion­s are important. In fact, you might be more involved than usual with a parent. Because Mars is boosting your ability to communicat­e to others, you will defend your rights in these family discussion­s, and perhaps speak up on behalf of someone else, as well? The Full Moon this week will force you to deal with issues. Meanwhile, romance is a rocky road. Initially, you might play things cool. But by Friday, things are different. Romance will be passionate. However, so will sports events, as well as your relations with kids. The fur is flying!

LIBRA | (sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a busy, fast-paced week full of errands, short trips, reading, writing and studying. Yes, you’re on the go! You’re also hemorrhagi­ng money, and yet, you’re working to earn it as well. Be mindful and careful this week, because most of this week is an accident-prone time for you. Therefore, pay attention, especially when jogging, walking, biking and driving. Meanwhile, relations with family members might be a bit stiff or difficult mid-week. However, by the weekend, you’re ready to party. And you want to entertain! You’re prepared to go after what you want, at home and most especially, if you’re redecorati­ng. “I want it to feel cosy. Casual elegant but cosy!”

SCORPIO | (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You are definitely high energy now because fiery Mars is in your sign. This is a good thing because it gives you the juice to both play and work hard. Meanwhile, your focus is on money and earnings this week. In fact, you’re full of money-making ideas! However, the Full Moon midweek

means that there is some tension — financial tension — that will come to a head by Wednesday or Thursday. This could relate to shared property, inheritanc­es, or shared expenses. The Jekyll and Hyde influence with fair Venus will take place in your House of Communicat­ions, which means you’ll be reserved mid-week. (Perhaps tight-lipped and secretive?) However, by Friday, your passion will be revealed and you’ll go after what you want — no holds barred!

SAGITTARIU­S | (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

With the Sun and Mercury in your sign, you’re in charge right now. All hail Sagittariu­s! (You are so casual and easygoing, you won’t make a big thing of this — but admit it — it pleases you.) Neverthele­ss, the beginning of the week could be challengin­g because the Full Moon on Wednesday is opposite your sign, which is bound to create some tension between you and best friends or partners and spouses. Patience and tolerance will be your best allies. Financial matters are curious this week. Midweek, you’ll feel financiall­y conservati­ve. You’ll be counting your pennies and restrict your spending to practical purchases. However,

by Friday — who cares? If there’s a problem, you’ll just throw money at it.

CAPRICORN | (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Some tension might build up this week, especially related to your job, and perhaps your health, because of the Full Moon that peaks on Wednesday/Thursday. However, take note that every month our problems and certain tensions can intensify as the Full Moon approaches, and then after it peaks, these same problems diminish and even disappear! This week, especially around Wednesday, you’ll feel cautious and careful about whatever you’re dealing with. However, by Friday, you might become infatuated with someone. Especially a new lover! At the very least, you will be fascinated by something, or someone. (He was tall, rugged and really knew how to accessoriz­e.)

AQUARIUS | (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

As the tension builds before the Full Moon at midweek, you might find it increasing difficult to deal with your kids. Be patient and cope as best you can because after the Full Moon

peaks, you’ll find by Thursday and Friday, these problems will disappear! Admittedly, by Friday, you might have your belly in a rash about something, because on that day, everyone will feel passionate­ly about something — most probably romance. But it doesn’t have to be romance. It simply means that you will want something intensely. In a way, this isn’t surprising because many of you are dabbling in secret love affairs.

PISCES | (Feb. 19-march 20)

The Full Moon that will peak in the middle of the week will create a situation where you feel pulled between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and your reputation. You can’t keep everyone happy. For this particular Full Moon, however, you can’t ignore career. Meanwhile, relations with friends and members of groups will be like an accordion this week. Mid-week things will be testy, aloof and a bit cool — certainly arm’slength. But by Friday, you’re ready to embrace someone passionate­ly! You’re willing to defend them or support their cause.

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