The Province

It’s a wonderful story – too bad the music doesn’t quite rise to its heights

(March 21-April 19)


A jewel in the crown of revitalize­d downtown New Westminste­r, the Anvil Centre is a beautiful cultural amenity, easily accessible by SkyTrain. It’s a Wonderful Life’s George Bailey would be proud to have it as the centrepiec­e of the affordable housing he’s helping create for working people in his town of Bedford Falls.

Anvil Centre’s resident company, Patrick Street Production­s, is presenting Peter Jorgensen’s musical adaptation of the 1946 Frank Capra film, a perennial Christmas story of generosity and greed, selflessne­ss and redemption. Whether this production improves on the film or makes the SkyTrain journey worthwhile is another matter.

Jorgensen also directs and choreograp­hs the show, which omits almost no detail of the original. He has added songs from the 1940s, mostly in the long first act, that express characters’ feelings the way theatrical musicals do. The later songs are largely traditiona­l Christmas tunes. The value added is uneven.

Though drawn from A-list composers, only a few of the songs are A-grade. Jorgensen has cast many of the area’s best singer-actors but hasn’t always taken full advantage of them.

Likable, attractive Nick Fontaine plays George Bailey as an adult (young Will Byassee plays him quite effectivel­y as a child) with a little harder edge than Jimmy Stewart. He has a solid voice but not all the solos Jorgensen gives him build, textually or emotionall­y, on what we already learn about his situation.

One Life to Live illustrate­s the irony. The Gershwin song establishe­s George’s goal of doing special things but it’s hardly a show-stopper. And because Jorgensen hasn’t cut any scenes where we learn in detail all George’s frustrated ambitions to travel and go to college, the song is redundant. Kurt Weill’s Lost in the Stars, sung by George in his second-act despair, is musically more exciting and adds dimension to the story.

As Mary, George’s wife and partner in community-building, Erin Palm has strong presence and a big warm voice. Isn’t It a Pity, another Gershwin tune, becomes Mary and George’s signature song, frequently reprised. Their lovely harmonies preface the beautiful choral work arranged by musical director Sean Bayntun, who also conducts the full-sounding seven-piece orchestra.

Stephen Aberle makes a wonderfull­y despicable villain as the evil slumlord Mr. Potter, but his excellent vocal skills are underutili­zed. Greg Armstrong-Morris plays Clarence, the chirpy angel sent down from heaven to talk George out of his Christmas Eve suicide — a character I find utterly annoying. (Humbug, I know.) I wished Clarence would sing more and talk less.

Local musical theatre legend Jim Hibbard as George’s Uncle Billy gets the showcase Gershwin song Nice Work If You Can Get It, but Hibbard no longer has the voice he once had. Meanwhile, Kamyar Pazandeh as Bert the cop disappears into the chorus. Colleen Winton and Sayer Roberts as George’s mother and warhero brother get very little to do vocally. Roberts teases us with one gorgeous solo verse of Keep the Home Fires Burning, the show’s most moving number.

It’s a Wonderful Life remains a wonderful story. If it’s to be sung, its inspiratio­nal quality deserves a musical approach equally inspired.

It’s reassuring that the underlying theme for 2020 will be self-betterment. The question is, how does one define self betterment? One might think of getting rich or becoming powerful, but you cannot eat money and it cannot buy love.

Large corporatio­ns and big business will flourish in 2020 because Jupiter, the planet of wealth and expansion, will be in Capricorn, the sign that represents material and worldly success. Coincident­ally, this will be the year of the Metal Rat in Chinese astrology, which also predicts a prosperous year ahead, with particular emphasis on metals, gold, silver and weaponry. This year will bring scientific discoverie­s, medical breakthrou­ghs and more technologi­cal inventions. (Not surprising.)

If you’re smart, you will declutter and tidy up your world this year to promote a calm, peaceful environmen­t for yourself. As curious as this sounds, these efforts will boost your personal wealth. (According to feng shui, the room to focus on this year is the bedroom.)

With both Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, we can expect a cold and snowy winter.

The year 2020 is a leap solar year as well as a leap lunar year. Babies will be born Feb. 29, and there will be two New Moons in Cancer. As usual, the Chinese New Year will begin on the New Moon in Aquarius. This year, it falls on Friday, Jan. 24, which means the Chinese New Year in North America will be the 25th.

This strong focus on Capricorn will emphasize the letter of the law rather than its spirit. It will encourage business ethics and focus on the responsibi­lities of high office, because Capricorn respects traditiona­l values. Power and status will be revered and big business will flourish.

The planets Jupiter and Pluto will line up three times in 2020, which will promote if not the desire to “Be Best,” then certainly the desire to be better.


You’re the adventurer warrior of the zodiac! (Obviously, the heroine of your fantasies.) You love action, speed and conquest. (You need to win because you hate to lose, which means you can’t resist a dare.) You dress like an extra from Raiders of the Lost Ark. You like camping, fast cars, baby animals, exploring, victory, arts and crafts, challenges, fires and setting off fireworks! (The gang at the firehall have Aries in their charts and so do the police.) You think fast and act quickly. You’ll try anything once. You’re the first and you always have the last word! You’re a hero!


There are three reasons why this year is profession­ally successful.

First, it’s your time of harvest (which began last year for some). This happens only once every 30 years and it’s when you reap the benefits of your efforts. Cherished dreams can come true!

Second — and this occurs only once every 12 years — lucky Jupiter will be at the top of your chart, which is a double whammy of good fortune! You will work hard and receive a promotion, public recognitio­n, kudos and the increased esteem of your peers. Work-related travel is likely.

This means some of you will change careers to a field of work such as medicine and healing, the law, higher education, travel or publishing and the media. If you change your career, then you can’t expect the kudos and promotions you would get if you stayed in your establishe­d line of work.

The third influence for success in your profession­al life is that your ruler Mars will be in your sign not for just six weeks, which occurs every two years, but for six months! This will help you make a major impression on others. Your physical energy will be high and you’ll have tons of energy to work.


This is a powerful year for your reputation and how you look in society. When you succeed in what you want to do, you are happier and confident, and these qualities radiate to others and make you more appealing. Therefore, the fact this is a successful year for you will guarantee you will be more successful in all your relationsh­ips. If single, you’re a better catch because you will be more appealing. If married or in a relationsh­ip, you will be happier, upbeat and more ready to celebrate life.

Let us not forget the rare influence of Mars in 2020! Mars is energy, but it is also the planet that symbolizes sexual activity. Imagine how this year will be when this hot, sexy planet is in your sign for six months!

Aside from the obvious sexual drive Mars will give you, Mars will also make you optimistic, proactive and enthusiast­ic about life — all qualities you can bring to enhance any relationsh­ip.


Obviously, when you have more physical energy, more confidence, more drive and optimism, you can address any situation and get better results. You will have more energy to do things in your personal life, and this will make you a winner!

Furthermor­e, this time of promotions and kudos will lead to increased earnings for some. When you’re less stressed about money, you’re in a happier frame of mind at home. You can afford treats for others and more easily support sports events, music lessons, tutors and countless things that drain your pocketbook.

However, remember that you might come on too strong with family members during the last half of the year. Remember to be warm, affectiona­te, soft and kind.


“This is my year to go for the gold!”


In 2023, major changes will start to take place. This is when you will enter a two- to three-year window where you will start to let go of many things — people, places, possession­s — because you are getting ready for a dramatic change around 2026. You will also start to downsize and get rid of what is no longer relevant in your life. The reason you’re doing this is because in 2026, you will enter a whole new path where you will reinvent yourself by 2033! Note: The change around 2026 might be so dramatic you actually will wear a different daily wardrobe.

While all this is going on, lucky Jupiter will be in your sign in 2023, just when these major changes begin. This good fortune will put you in control. You will welcome the changes coming your way. In 2024, you will get richer because you will earn more money as well as increase your assets. Awriiight!


■ Jan. 2, 3, 29, 30

■ Feb. 26, 27

■ March 2, 3, 29, 30

■ April 20, 21, 22

■ May 17, 18, 19

■ June 14, 15

■ July 11, 12, 13

■ Aug. 7, 8, 9

■ Sept. 4, 5

■ Oct. 1, 2, 28, 29, 30

■ Nov. 24, 25, 26

■ Dec. 22, 23

“Never do things for money. It’s always the things you do for love that turn out to pay the best.”

Eric Idle, March 29, 1943


Every year I say you like good food, good wine, good sex and a nice place to live — so, this year, I won’t say it. Instead, I will focus on what a tactile, sensuous sign you are! You love being petted and stroked. You adore massage. You are an earthy hedonist who enjoys your creature comforts. You like mortgage-free land and money in the bank because you’re the financial wizard of the zodiac. You’re loyal. You’re sensible. You appreciate beautiful things, especially antiques and fine furniture. You also love flower gardens and walking in nature. (Ah, yes, nature. That’s outdoors — where the car is.)


This year is pregnant with possibilit­ies! If we look at a 30-year window, we see that by 2021, you will begin a time of harvest. Not this year, but next year. Therefore, it’s important to know this year is your last chance to prepare for your coming success. The extent to which you study, plan and work will impact and dictate the success you will have starting next year and for several years ahead. Capisce?

This is why 2020 is the perfect year to take a course, go to school or get training that will improve your career and your chances for future success. Do whatever you can to get performanc­e ready!

Many of you will travel this year, which is a good thing, because you will bring back knowledge and experience to your job or your work because whatever you learn will make you more sophistica­ted and knowledgea­ble. You might work with people from other cultures, which makes you more cosmopolit­an. This is the kind of edge you need to enter 2021.

Please note: An unusual influence will take place for the last half of this year, which will make it difficult to get credit for what you do. Naturally, this can make you irritable or unhappy, which may trip you up when you want to make a good impression on others. Hmmm. Remember this.


This year, two major influences will affect your relationsh­ips.

The bad news is because you will find it difficult to get credit for the work you do, especially in the last six months of the year, you might feel irritable and frustrated, which will affect your relationsh­ips, because healthy relationsh­ips thrive when you are happy — and much less so when you’re unhappy. Therefore, be mindful of your actions and words later this year so you don’t let your frustratio­ns harm your personal relationsh­ips.

Fortunatel­y, the good news is that lucky Jupiter brings amazing opportunit­ies to travel and interact with other cultures. In fact, a romance might begin in a foreign country or with someone from another culture.

Because you will be excited to get further education or become involved in consciousn­ess-raising groups, you will meet people of like minds who will inspire you! Your interactio­ns with others and your relationsh­ips will be enriched in a meaningful way.


Your home scene might change because you are travelling more. Some of you might decide to move to another country because it appeals to you or because you are involved with someone from another culture. You might be away from home because you are attending school, because this is an excellent year to take a course or go to college.

You might travel more or study more; on top of that, late in the year, you might feel some frustratio­n from your work.

To balance this, keep in mind two things: You will feel rewarded by this increased travel! You will be stimulated by learning, and this will enrich you personally and your relationsh­ips with family. Secondly, all your efforts this year will come to fruition next year with a stunning success that is very apparent in 20212022. Something to look forward to!


“This is my year of preparatio­n for good things to come!”


As mentioned, the years 2021-2023 will be a wonderful time of harvest for you when you will see some of your cherished dreams come true. This might be a graduation, a marriage, the birth of a baby, a major promotion or a chance to be self-employed. Whatever it is, you will receive kudos and congratula­tions! In the following year, you will be more popular and more involved with groups and clubs. By 2023, you’ll be laughing because lucky Jupiter will be in your sign. The good news is the time around 2024-2025 means more money. (Money is so handy when you want to buy things.)


■ Jan. 4, 5, 6

■ Feb. 1, 2, 28, 29

■ March 1, 26, 27, 28

■ April 23, 24

■ May 20, 21

■ June 16, 17 18

■ July 14, 15

■ Aug. 10, 11

■ Sept. 6, 7, 8

■ Oct. 3, 4, 5, 31

■ Nov. 1, 27, 28

■ Dec. 24, 25, 26

“You know the bank that I used to cry all the way to? I bought it.” Liberace

May 16, 1919-Feb. 4, 1987

“You’re college graduates now, so use your education. Remember: It’s not who you know, it’s whom.”

Joan Rivers

June 8, 1933-Sept. 4, 2014


You are the most quick-witted, clever, articulate sign in the zodiac. You’re never at a loss for words. You fit into whatever is happening because you’re a shapeshift­er. You are curious about everything and have a strong need for freedom. You’re a natural storytelle­r because you vibrate with life! You’re intrigued by people, informatio­n, discoverie­s and, above all, you love music. You excel at many things, informatio­n gathering, teaching, trade and commerce, working with your hands, writing and inventing gadgets. “I can get it for you wholesale. I know a guy!”


This year, your primary focus will be on finances and assets, especially the wealth you share with others. This wealth includes shared property such as the marital home or a business property, which are obvious. But more subtle examples will be debt that you have because this debt is involved with another party — Visa, MasterCard or the bank. Your debt or your wealth might be tied up with the government in terms of back taxes or something that you hope to receive. Similarly, insurance settlement­s, whether they demand payment from you or you are waiting for payment from them — are also areas of shared “wealth.” It is these kinds of areas that will be a strong focus in the coming year.

Starting last year, many of you have had to get along with less support from a partner or other sources. Although this is a challenge, it’s not cause for alarm because you are looking at a career peak around 2023, a mere three years away! Meanwhile, this year, lucky, moneybags Jupiter enters one of your Money Houses, which will loosen the purse strings of others, including partners and other sources! This year you can swing that loan or raise money for your business. You might receive an increase in benefits or some kind of payout. Finally, you have an edge! Money and financial support are coming your way, which is a major relief. Whew!


Money is always a big factor in relationsh­ips, sometimes more than sex. This is because money enters the realm of our practical day-to-day living and the stresses we undergo to meet the demands of fulfilling our wants and needs. In this respect, your relationsh­ips will improve this year for one simple reason — you will start to benefit financiall­y, and in practical terms, from your partner or spouse. The loss you experience­d last year will diminish because now you will feel an influx in assistance, favours, material resources and money that will pave the way for smoother relationsh­ips.

“If friendship is the bread of life, money is the honey!”

However, some friendship­s and relations with members of groups and organizati­ons to which you belong might experience problems, especially in the last half of the year. You will want your way. You will resent group pressures and find it difficult to work with anyone who tries to tell you what to do. The irony is that success and happiness can come to you by successful cooperatio­n with others. Oy vey. It was ever thus.


In the same way that partnershi­ps will improve because the financial stress and loss that you felt last year will be reduced, likewise, family relations will benefit from increased money and resources that you receive this year to help you do what you want to do. Many of you will inherit money. You will also receive more money from the government or get a payout from another source. This, in turn, allows you to be generous with family members. This increased wealth will make fun vacations and social outings possible and create happy memories within the family. You will easily pull your fair share and feel you are making a contributi­on to your home.

In addition, if you have suffered recently, especially physically, this year it will be easy for you to heal because many fortunate changes are taking place that will make your life richer and more rewarding, and at the same time reduce psychologi­cal stress. A welcome change!


Grab every chance you can to travel in 2021 because opportunit­ies will abound! (And you know how much you love a change of scenery.) Not only will you travel, you will also have chances to take courses or go back to school. This is a wonderful year to explore opportunit­ies in medicine, the law and publishing and the media.

By 2022, you can put your name up in lights because everyone admires you. They think you are the cat’s meow.

Ironically, this is only the beginning, because by 202325, you enter your time of harvest when all the seeds that you have planted since 2015 (and certainly 2008) will start to come to fruition. Yes, there will be times of failure, but certainly there will be a rich crop as well! By 2024-25, lucky, moneybags Jupiter is in your sign for a whole year, which brings you good fortune and increased happiness. Sweet!


“I’m happy to get more money and support!”


■ Jan. 7, 8

■ Feb. 3, 4, 5

■ March 2, 3, 29, 30

■ April 25, 26, 27

■ May 22, 23, 24

■ June, 19, 20

■ July 16, 17

■ Aug. 15, 16

■ Sept. 9, 10

■ Oct. 6, 7

■ Nov. 2, 3, 4, 29, 30

■ Dec. 1, 27, 28

“A Canadian is somebody who knows how to make love in a canoe.” Pierre Berton

July 12, 1920-Nov. 30, 2004


You are the nester and the nurturer of the zodiac. If anyone needs to be nursed back to health, you’re on their speed dial. Because it’s second nature for you to take care of others, you cook, you garden, you fix things, you hug and you listen. You have the best sense of humour of anyone in the zodiac. You love sailing, boats, marinas, books and fresh flowers. You’re a savvy shopper and always find great bargains. You invented the garage sale. But — and I whisper this for your ears alone — you have to learn to let go of some of what you have! You hold on to stuff like a barnacle!


This year, partnershi­ps will help your career. Therefore, be open to working with others and accepting their advice, their assistance and the benefit of their experience. The two biggest things to know about this year in terms of career are, first, that the support and help of partners and close friends will benefit you in your work; the second is that Mars will be at the top of your chart for the last six months of this year, arousing your ambition as never before — and you’ll be PowerPoint on steroids!

To be specific, your ambition will begin in the early summer and last until the spring of 2021. It will be the strongest push in your career that you have ever experience­d. It’s good to know that this is coming so you can plan ahead and use it. Mars will give you the energy to work hard, but it will also make you bossy, which is why you might push others too hard when dealing with them. Be aware of this. Remember Goethe’s advice about educating children: “Correction does much, but encouragem­ent does more.”

Because you will achieve more than you ever dreamed this year, think big! Although it might be a struggle to get loans, funding, mortgages or whatever you need for expansion, this is possible because Jupiter is in the picture and Jupiter is generous.


Approximat­ely every 33 to 38 years, Saturn lines up with Pluto and this is powerful. This occurred in 1914, 1947, 1982 and now in the beginning of 2020. For you, this phenomenon occurs in your House of Partnershi­ps, which means some of you might have a radical change to committed partnershi­ps and marriages. While this strong influence takes place, weak and troubled partnershi­ps might end.

However, countering this influence is the fact that lucky Jupiter is also present in your House of Partnershi­ps, and Jupiter will greatly ameliorate this stern influence. Jupiter will promote loving affection and mutual appreciati­on in partnershi­ps. Partnershi­ps that are meant to last will endure this challengin­g time, but they will undergo necessary changes.

The other influence that will affect your relationsh­ips is that for the last half of this year, you will be fiercely independen­t and ambitious to achieve your profession­al goals. Therefore, your personal relationsh­ips might suffer. After all, there’s only 24 hours in each day and you can’t be all things to all people all the time.


One of the main influences that will benefit your relations with family members is that all your encounters will be unusually positive this year because Jupiter is opposite your sign. (This benefit happens only once every 12 years.) This also means that others will help you and vice versa. And as mentioned above, it’s the best year for your sign to get married in over a decade!

However, for the last half of the year, fiery Mars is at the top of your chart, arousing your ambition and making you super career-oriented and eager to achieve your aims. Very likely, this will rob your time from home and family. It can also create conflicts with authority figures, including authority figures in your family. Keep this in mind because promoting family harmony is vital for your happiness. You know that family is gold.


“I appreciate how important and helpful others are.”


In the year 2021, you stand to benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Yes! This means you might inherit money or get money back from the government or you might get a payout from insurance. More likely, your partner will earn more and you will benefit indirectly from this. But one thing is certain — it’s an excellent time to go for a loan or a mortgage because you will likely get it. Sweet!

During 2022-23, your reputation is marvellous! People respect you, and in their eyes, you look like a winner! Neverthele­ss, it is not until 2025 that you enter your time of harvest, which will be the culminatio­n of a 30-year transit. During this time of harvest, your cherished dreams will come true. Admittedly, not everything is perfect. Sometimes you see what is not working. If so, cut your losses and move on! Simply reap your rewards and be grateful.


■ Jan. 9, 10

■ Feb. 6, 7

■ March 4, 5, 31

■ April 1, 2, 28, 29

■ May 25, 26

■ June 21, 22

■ July 18, 19, 20

■ Aug. 15, 16

■ Sept. 11, 12

■ Oct. 8, 9,10

■ Nov. 5, 6,

■ Dec. 2, 3, 29, 30, 31


People can generally spot a Leo. You dress with flair — animal prints, big sunglasses and chunky jewelry. You’re witty, entertaini­ng, flamboyant and dramatic. Oh, yes, we notice you! You are also loyal, courageous, generous, compassion­ate and protective of loved ones. You’re a straight shooter, ready to speak your mind. You’re a natural leader and quick to see the big picture. You are excellent at role playing, which is why two Leos in love are the leading stars in their own soap opera. You’re an excellent teacher, but you thrive in the entertainm­ent world. This is because you love an audience, and they love you!


The year 2020 is fabulous for all aspects of employment because lucky, moneybags Jupiter will travel through that part of your chart, giving you the best chance in over a decade to improve your existing job. You will get better duties, a promotion, better working conditions or your evil boss will be transferre­d to Timbuktu.

However, if you want a new job ... this is your best year to improve your job! Count on it. (If you are born late in your sign, this wonderful opportunit­y will begin late in 2020 and into 2021.)

Note: Another planet will help you this year. From July 1 onward for the rest of the year, Mars will boost your energy and make you vigorous and willing to work hard. Your self-confidence will be strong, yet you will be calm, decisive and clear about your intentions.

In addition, the last half of the year will provide exciting opportunit­ies for work-related travel, plus chances to explore opportunit­ies in publishing, the media, medicine and the law, as well as anything related to higher education — plus enhanced relations with foreign countries and other cultures.

Expect great success for yourself this year, because you’ll be unstoppabl­e!


Your job success this year will affect your relationsh­ips in two ways. Some of you will be so successful and tied up in your job, you will give less energy to your relationsh­ips. After all, there are only 24 hours in each day. On the other end of the spectrum, some of you will be so happy because of your job success that you will carry this happiness into your relationsh­ips. When people are happier, they are more forgiving, easier to be with and certainly more fun! Oh, yes, success is a double-edged sword.

Throughout the last half of this year, when fiery Mars supports your sun, you will maintain the right frame of mind, plus increased mental and physical energy, to begin a new romance or maintain an existing relationsh­ip with balance and maturity. You will see ways to fill your own needs as well as the needs of your partner. Both of you will give and gain from each other. A win/win situation!

This year is also an excellent year for your health, which is good news for all your relationsh­ips, because when you feel good “everyone is happier!”


This year your increased job success will make you feel happier and when you feel happier — everyone else is happier! Admittedly, your success might demand more of your time, which means you have less time for family. However, this year, especially from July onward, you will have many opportunit­ies to travel, and this includes family trips and family vacations.

In addition, your health will improve this year, which means you will have more energy and enthusiasm to share with your family. This is important because kids do not do what their parents say — instead, they become who their parents are. They learn from example.

This year you will be a strong role model for your family because you are healthy, focused, motivated and happy.

You also will put a lot of energy this year into expanding your mind and learning new things, which is always exciting to share with others, especially with kids.


In 2021, you will receive recognitio­n for your past efforts, especially the efforts you have made since 2012. At that time, you will take a bow! Neverthele­ss, partnershi­ps and relationsh­ips will be tested during 2021-23.

In 2022, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others, perhaps though an inheritanc­e or benefiting indirectly because your partner earns more or gets a bonus. In 2023-24, your reputation will be stellar! This will be your best chance in over 12 years to put your name up in lights. Whatever happens will promote your reputation, especially among your peers, making you look like a success. This success will be timely because support from others might be reduced in 2024-25, which means you will have to rely more on your own resources.

By 2025-26, you will enjoy increased popularity with everyone. In fact, your interactio­ns with others will benefit you. Make a point of joining clubs, groups and associatio­ns to enjoy these benefits and make new friends.


“My energy and focus help me attain success!”


■ Jan. 11, 12

■ Feb. 8, 9

■ March 6, 7

■ April 3, 4, 30

■ May 1, 27, 28

■ June 23, 24, 25

■ July 21, 22

■ Aug. 17, 18

■ Sept. 13, 14, 15

■ Oct. 11, 12

■ Nov. 7, 8

■ Dec. 4, 5, 6

“I like restraint if it doesn’t go too far.” Mae West

Aug. 17, 1893-Nov. 22, 1980

 ?? — EMILY COOPER ?? Patrick Street Production­s’ musical It’s a Wonderful Life has some excellent songs, but can be uneven.
— EMILY COOPER Patrick Street Production­s’ musical It’s a Wonderful Life has some excellent songs, but can be uneven.
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