The Province

‘This is bigger than me and football’

Alouettes RB Wilder ‘inspired’ to take part in Black Lives Matter protests in Houston


MONTREAL — James Wilder knows what it’s like to be racially profiled.

In December 2015, while the running back was part of the Cincinnati Bengals’ practice roster, Wilder said he was racially profiled at a toy store in Florence, Ky. He was accused of shopliftin­g by an employee, who claimed the player had returned to the store, although at 6-foot-3 and 230 pounds his identity could hardly be mistaken. Not to mention Wilder also had a blond patch in his hair at the time.

The store manager placed a 911 call and four white officers were dispatched. According to the manager, Wilder wasn’t caught shopliftin­g, but when asked to leave caused a major disturbanc­e, calling the manager a racist.

“We (African-Americans) are hated in this country. We’re not going to beat around the bush anymore. We’re tired,” Wilder, who signed as a free agent with the Alouettes at the end of January, told Postmedia in an exclusive telephone interview on Monday.

“This goes on with every race. Look at the statistics and the percentage­s ... it happens to us a lot more than everybody else. For no reason. You see other races doing the same things we’re doing — even worse — and nothing happens. You will never see an African-American yelling at an officer and nothing happens. That’s unheard of in 2020. Other races have that privilege.”

The 28-year-old, a native of Tampa, Fla., has been in Houston, training for the last month in the hopes of a truncated Canadian Football League season eventually starting this September in light of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

In the wake of the death of George Floyd on May 25 by a white police officer in Minneapoli­s, Minn., Wilder felt it was incumbent to participat­e in two peaceful daylong protests last weekend in Houston, where the Floyd family resides.

While civil unrest has flared throughout the U.S. over the last week — after now former police officer Derek Chauvin was seen on graphic footage placing his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes — Wilder said the two 12-hour marches in which he participat­ed were placid. No looting occurred, he claimed.

Wilder was active over the weekend on Twitter (@IAm_ Wilder32), suggesting the protests weren’t about race. Rather, they were drawing attention to systematic racism and police brutality. He said he put his “life on the line” against violent protesters, held Floyd’s aunt in his arms while she cried and crossed arms with a white man during the process.

Wilder said he has been called an Uncle Tom by African-Americans and has lost 3,000 Twitter followers, although he’s still being followed by nearly 30,000 people. He has joined the Black Lives Matter Houston protest group and another march is scheduled for Tuesday.

Wilder said he originally went out Saturday simply to distribute water to the protesters, but felt compelled to participat­e.

“It just overwhelme­d me,” he said. "I was inspired.

“A lot of things have happened recently, and when those things happen we usually protest. It can get violent and nasty. I wanted to get out there and keep it positive, try to keep it peaceful. These are long days. You’re out in the heat; it’s hot in Texas. But this is bigger than me and football. I’m going to go positively, peacefully and stand for that I believe in.”

On Monday, both the Canadiens and Impact organizati­ons issued social media statements, denouncing Floyd’s death, offering support for peaceful protests and denouncing acts of racism.

Both the Als and CFL posted earlier statements. The Als, Sunday on Twitter, said their heart’s with their American players and staff, expressing both horror and sadness by the ongoing events.

Wilder isn’t the only Als player who has been active on social media, denouncing Chauvin’s act or criticizin­g President Donald Trump.

So, too, have quarterbac­k Vernon Adams Jr. and offensive-tackle Tony Washington. Adams politely refused an interview request, although Washington couldn’t hide his frustratio­n.

“I get what my community’s going through. I see the craziness that goes on with police officers in the U.S.," said Washington, a New Orleans native who makes Montreal his year-round home. “If you continue to shoot and kill us, unjustly arrest us ... you’re going to have to deal with the repercussi­ons.”

While Washington’s not condoning the looting or violence — especially what transpired Sunday night in Montreal — he said he can understand and empathize with some of the events in the U.S.

“The point black people are trying to get across is that we’re sick of being mistreated and the injustice towards us,” he said.

“We can’t fight you in court, through the system. So we’re going to cost you a lot of money, break into your shops. We’re going to steal things, turn (police) cars over and cause millions or dollars of damage until you fix it. I guess that’s the message that comes from the looting.”

 ?? JAMES WILDER JR. ?? Alouettes running-back James Wilder Jr., holds a Black Lives Matter sign during a rally in Houston.
JAMES WILDER JR. Alouettes running-back James Wilder Jr., holds a Black Lives Matter sign during a rally in Houston.

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