The Province

Indigenous communitie­s avoid worst of COVID-19

Many First Nations determined to maintain restrictio­ns until pandemic curve ‘flatlines’


The number of COVID-19 cases in First Nations communitie­s in B.C. has been low compared with the general population in the province, health officials noted Friday.

Dr. Shannon McDonald, acting chief medical officer for the First Nations Health Authority, said that since Jan. 1 there have been 87 confirmed cases of COVID-19 out of 5,500 tests among Indigenous people. Of those, 42 live on or near reserves.

There have been four deaths in the Indigenous communitie­s, and there are currently only three active cases.

McDonald credits the low rate of transmissi­on to early measures taken by First Nations, which included lockdowns, cancelling gatherings and closing the communitie­s to outside visitors except for essential services.

Food security, isolation and mental health issues such as depression, loneliness and anxiety are ongoing challenges in these communitie­s, she said at a news conference Friday.

Many First Nations leaders cancelled important ceremonies, which she said are central to their culture and way of life.

“The sacrifices made — and some of them have been very difficult and painful — have paid off. The worst that many anticipate­d and feared did not happen,” said McDonald, but quickly added that the pandemic is not over and urged all people to be cautious when travelling to First Nations communitie­s.

Physical distancing protocols, handwashin­g and continuing to not gather in large groups will be very important, said McDonald.

“The curve is flattened, but it has not flatlined,” said McDonald. “Some communitie­s will choose not to welcome guests this summer . ...

They can make those choices.”

She said the low rate of transmissi­on is a testament to how well Indigenous leaders and the First Nations Health Authority worked together to prevent the spread of the virus.

Culturally, the communitie­s are aware of the need to protect their elders, the keepers of history and language, she said. Many are also concerned about opening up to visitors, who may bring the virus.

On Wednesday, a joint statement from Indigenous leaders in B.C. said they were not consulted about B.C.’s plans to move to Phase 3.

The Heiltsuk, Tŝilhqot’in and Nuu-chah-nulth said B.C.’s failure to consult on reopening and to provide adequate COVID-19 safety measures is putting Indigenous lives at risk.

They want screening of non-residents to ensure travellers are not symptomati­c or infected with the virus, and rapid testing based on provincial health guidelines and prioritizi­ng Indigenous and remote communitie­s.

Judith Sayers, president of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council in Port Alberni, said for them it is people before economics, while Chief Joe Alphonse, chair of the Tsilhqot’in National Government, said they will restrict visitors because their priority is to protect the elders.

The three First Nations groups have all enacted various travel advisories, bans and checkpoint­s during the pandemic, and the Nuu-chah-nulth announced plans to restrict entry to most of Vancouver Island’s west coast until COVID19 safety conditions are met.

In response, McDonald said the decision to go ahead with Phase 3 of reopening the economy was a decision that was made “very carefully,” but she is concerned about outbreaks in some communitie­s.

“This is no time to lower our guard, even as the province transition­s and begins to reopen to allow the gradual reopening of schools and businesses and travel,” said McDonald.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said the province has been working closely with the First Nations Healthy Authority to collect data so they could understand the impact in these communitie­s.

She said funding is available to purchase testing equipment so health officials can ensure rapid testing is available in remote First Nations communitie­s.

As the economy reopens, McDonald would like to see more screening, including taking visitors’ temperatur­es, and they are expanding testing so they are not missing any clusters or outbreaks, especially in remote communitie­s.

Henry is asking all British Columbians travelling around the province this summer to know where they are going, and to check whether the community they want to stay in is welcoming visitors.

 ?? JASON PAYNE/ POSTMEDIA ?? Dr. Shannon McDonald says the COVID-19 sacrifices made by First Nations have paid off.
JASON PAYNE/ POSTMEDIA Dr. Shannon McDonald says the COVID-19 sacrifices made by First Nations have paid off.

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