The Province

‘Murder hornet’ sightings on the rise in B.C.


VICTORIA — A Saanich woman believes she spotted an Asian giant hornet — commonly referred to as the “murder hornet” — in her backyard over the weekend, but wasn’t able to kill or capture the insect for positive identifica­tion.

Heather Hanson was enjoying a beautiful day in her garden when she noticed the big hornet buzzing around her flowers.

“It was very big and the wing span was very large. Its eyes were on top of its head — nothing like I’d ever seen before,” Hanson said. “I saw a picture of (the Asian giant hornet) the next day. I realized that’s what it was. I was amazed.”

Hanson said the hornet was about five-centimetre­s long — “from the tip of my finger to the knuckle” — and the wingspan nearly as wide as her hand.

The Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), typically found in the forests and low mountains of eastern and Southeast Asia, is invasive in B.C. Specimens and a nest were discovered near Nanaimo last August.

Since then, provincial apiculturi­st Paul van Westendorp said he’s been inundated with reports of sightings of murder hornets. So far, only a few of them have been collected and no new nests have been discovered.

He said that some of the sightings may be “look-alike species,” including the bald faced hornet, horntail wasp, yellow jacket or elm sawfly.

But there have been confirmed sightings. An Asian giant hornet was found last November in White Rock and two specimens were found in December at Blaine, Wash.

In May, an Asian giant hornet was identified and collected near Langley.

On Friday, Washington state announced it had captured an Asian giant hornet using a jar trap. It was taken on July 14 near Birch Bay, south of Blaine.

Recent credible sightings in the Cowichan Valley have prompted the setting of at least four jar traps containing fruit juice and other lures at various locations, van Westendorp said.

The sightings were confirmed by local beekeepers and a forestry official, van Westendorp said.

The hope is to trap Asian giant hornets and eventually develop a grid system that will allow officials “to intensify trapping” and to narrow the search area for a possible nest.

A similar grid system of traps has been set up along the border between White Rock and Blaine, van Westendorp said.

“It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.”

Van Westendorp said there have been several calls about sightings, but almost all come in without photos or physical evidence. He urges people to take photos or collect a specimen, but to use extreme caution.

It remains unclear how the Asian giant hornet arrived in North America, but scientists say it was likely transporte­d here in container ships.

The species presents a dire threat to honey bee population­s in B.C., and can destroy entire hives in a short period.

A bulletin from the provincial government says Asian hornets aren’t interested in humans, pets and large animals, adding they hunt insects for food.

The “murder hornet” moniker was coined in Japan, where there have been documented cases of multiple stings causing human deaths.

 ?? ELAINE THOMPSON/THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP FILES ?? ‘Murder hornets’ present a dire threat to honey bee population­s in B.C. People who see the insects formally known as Asian giant hornets are urged to take photograph­s that can help experts track and trap them.
ELAINE THOMPSON/THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP FILES ‘Murder hornets’ present a dire threat to honey bee population­s in B.C. People who see the insects formally known as Asian giant hornets are urged to take photograph­s that can help experts track and trap them.

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