The Province

Wet summers can be tough on some roses

Be sure to get rid of aphids that gather in globe artichokes with watering wand set to ‘jet’



The roses in my garden have been lovely this summer, except for one puzzling issue. Several rose bushes and one climber, all with petal-packed double flowers, developed flower buds that did not open into full bloom. Instead, they turned brown and dried. What could have caused this to happen?


Your descriptio­n sounds like a condition called “balling,” which occurs most commonly in wet summer weather on many-petalled, fully double roses. Rain, or overhead watering, does not usually damage the blooms once they are open, but in the late bud stage, the outer petals rot, congeal, and prevent the flowers from opening.

Sunshine following wet conditions further hardens the decayed casing, making it completely impossible for the flower to open. Affected flowers rot. Some will fall off, others remain on the plant to create a distressin­g mess.

I have one rose in my garden that is susceptibl­e to balling of the buds. The rose, Don

Juan, is a climber that I grow as a pillar rose at a corner of a vegetable plot. Its buds are prime candidates for ruination if they become wet as they are about to open.


Have you any helpful suggestion­s for neighbours of mine having major aphid problems with their globe artichokes this year?


Aphids congregati­ng in the flower bud “globes” we love to eat are very common on these plants. When I see the first clusters of the creatures on the buds, I wash them off, using the “jet” spray setting on a hose-end watering wand.

A few followup sprays usually keep the buds fairly clean until they reach a harvestabl­e size.

When I cut the artichokes for use, I shorten the stems, leaving a slight stub at the bud base, and bring them to an outdoor tap for a final jet stream of water aimed around and between the lower leaf layers.

This cleans up any malingerin­g aphids along with visiting earwigs.

 ?? — GETTY IMAGES ?? Roses can be ruined by rainfall or overhead watering just before they are ready to bloom.
— GETTY IMAGES Roses can be ruined by rainfall or overhead watering just before they are ready to bloom.
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