The Province

Pandemic exposes CFL’s shaky status

A collective money-loser at the best of times, now it may not be able to mount a season


At the Grey Cup in Calgary last November, Randy Ambrosie described the Canadian Football League as the “biggest global football league in the world.”

There were a couple of adjectives doing a lot of work in that phrase, but the commission­er had never been shy about bold pronouncem­ents in his few years on the job.

At the time, Ambrosie in full salesman mode had a lot to tout: his global expansion initiative had brought partnershi­ps in 11 countries, even if they were a long way from increasing the league’s actual fan base; there was an ownership group planning for a new team in Halifax, even if stadium plans were unsettled; the orphaned Montreal Alouettes were close to getting a new owner. The CFL still had problems in its biggest cities, but it was at least out there and trying new things.

The pandemic, quite obviously, has devastated those plans. More than that, and especially when compared to other profession­al sports leagues, the coronaviru­s has exposed the precarious­ness of the CFL’s business. It has gone from an ambitious agenda for growth — biggest global league and all that — to survival mode. It remains unclear if the CFL will manage even that.

The league is said to be in discussion­s on a $30 million short-term loan from the federal government that would allow it to play some kind of truncated schedule in a Winnipeg bubble setup. The Canadian Press and TSN have reported the interest-free loan from Ottawa was proposed after plans to secure $45 million from the Business Developmen­t Bank of Canada fell apart when terms could not be agreed upon. (The CFL hasn’t acknowledg­ed any specifics on the record, issuing a statement late last week that said it had nothing to state.) The potential new loan would allow the league to stage some games in 2020 and theoretica­lly provide a bridge to a more normal 2021 campaign, one that might include ticket-buying fans.

But even with some kind of financial backstop that would keep the CFL from having to punt on an entire season, the prospects for salvaging something recognizab­le in this calendar year are still uncertain. The delay between when the CFL started asking for federal help in May and now means there is no chance play could begin until some time after Labour Day.

That would give them two months to perhaps cram in an eight-game schedule, pushing the playoffs and Grey Cup into late November and early December, and those are best-case scenario timelines. The later it goes, the more football has to be played in winter Winnipeg conditions.

There is also the question of how many players would agree to show up for a shortened CFL season. Half the player pool is American, and most of those do not live in Canada over the off-season. If they are offered a pro-rated salary similar to that given to Major League Baseball players in their abbreviate­d season, an eight-game season would result in a salary of less than $33,000 for those players at the low end of the pay scale. Only the richest of CFL contracts would still net a six-figure salary if cut in half — and all players would be taking on the additional health-andsafety risk of playing amid a pandemic. Given the nature of football, a single positive test would become an outbreak in a hurry. Spending months away from family for a fraction of normal salary to play at elevated risk in chilly Winnipeg is not a super-enticing proposal for any athlete, even one who has enjoyed his CFL experience.

All of Ambrosie’s salesmansh­ip efforts, meanwhile, have been undone in a hurry. The league conducted global scouting combines months ago ahead of a planned global draft in April, but time constraint­s and travel restrictio­ns mean the imagined influx of foreign talent is likely on hold for at least a year. The would-be Atlantic Schooners are adrift, with frontman Anthony LeBlanc leaving for a job with the Ottawa Senators in April and the remaining partners still looking for a possible stadium site.

And instead of building to another Grey Cup where he could spend the week talking up the CFL’s successes under his watch, Ambrosie has had to admit the league’s teams weren’t collective­ly close to profitable even before the pandemic hit. Whether talking to government officials or negotiatin­g with bankers, the CFL has been forced to say the quiet part out loud. It’s a business that, in the good times, has significan­t financial challenges.

Now it has something else entirely.

 ?? — KEVIN KING/FILES ?? CFL commission­er Randy Ambrosie’s salesmansh­ip efforts have been undone in a hurry, Scott Stinson writes.
— KEVIN KING/FILES CFL commission­er Randy Ambrosie’s salesmansh­ip efforts have been undone in a hurry, Scott Stinson writes.

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