The Province

Teachers get extra time to prep for return

Education minister delays reopening to give schools chance to institute health measures

- JENNIFER SALTMAN — with file from Rob Shaw

The first day of school will be delayed for kindergart­en to Grade 12 students in B.C., to allow teachers, support staff and administra­tors a few extra days to prepare.

Education Minister Rob Fleming did not specify what day students would return, only that it would be later in the week of Sept. 8. He said starting up school safely during a pandemic will require some extra scheduling and logistics, and school operations would need to be finalized and guidelines reviewed.

“Those discussion­s are ongoing, and we want to respect the advice that we’re getting from organizati­ons like the B.C. Teachers’ Federation, CUPE B.C., the superinten­dents’ associatio­n and principals and vice-principals, among others,” Fleming told reporters on Tuesday.

Fleming said the expectatio­n is that the plan for the first week of school will be consistent across school districts.

Darren Danyluk, president of the B.C. Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Associatio­n, said giving teachers and administra­tive staff time together in the school buildings before students arrive is important for implementi­ng safety protocols and applying the new model. He suggested at least two days of preparatio­n time.

“That time together is really critical and that’s what we’ve been advocating for,” said Danyluk.

The province’s back-toschool plan for full-time, in-class learning, released on July 29, organizes students into learning groups or pods, which are consistent groups of 60 to 120 staff and students who are together for classes, lunch breaks, recess, gym, library time and gatherings. The size of the pod will depend on the grade.

It’s expected that the model will reduce the risk that COVID-19 can spread widely throughout a school and will allow for easier contact tracing and student isolation if there is an infection.

School board and independen­t school authoritie­s will have to implement a suite of health-and-safety measures that meet B.C. Centre for Disease Control guidelines, such as cleaning more frequently and thoroughly, providing hand-hygiene stations and staggering class times.

The province will provide masks for all students and staff, but they will not be required to wear them all day. Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said they will be used in settings where physical distancing is not possible, such as in hallways.

“There is a rule for masks, absolutely, but they are, as I have said, one of the layers of protection that we have and we are building in many layers,” Henry said on Monday. “They are the end of our hierarchy of controls. The least effective of the layers that we need.”

Parents who are uncomforta­ble sending their students back to in-person classes can register for home-schooling or online/ distribute­d learning.

Schools will work with students who have health concerns on an individual basis and accommodat­e them as needed, according to the ministry.

B.C. Teachers’ Federation president Teri Mooring has not responded to requests for comment.

 ?? — DON CRAIG/GOVERNMENT OF B.C. FILES ?? Education Minister Rob Fleming says the date for students to return to school will be delayed to allow teachers, administra­tors and support staff time to prepare for new health protocols.
— DON CRAIG/GOVERNMENT OF B.C. FILES Education Minister Rob Fleming says the date for students to return to school will be delayed to allow teachers, administra­tors and support staff time to prepare for new health protocols.

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