The Province

Visions of mental health crisis may be alarmist, research shows

- ROB WHITLEY Rob Whitley, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of psychiatry at McGill University.

The last months have been filled with bleak prediction­s about mental health in Canada due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These prediction­s have been couched in apocalypti­c language, with much talk of a looming “mental health crisis,” “depression time-bomb” or even an “epidemic of suicide.” Such forecasts predict an imminent mental health disaster across Canada, with worse consequenc­es than the coronaviru­s pandemic itself.

But are such dystopian visions based on scientific evidence, or sensationa­l scaremonge­ring?

A just released Leger survey of more than 1,500 adult Canadians give some preliminar­y answers. This survey found that only 16 per cent of Canadians rate their mental health as “bad” or “very bad” since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis.

In other words, the vast majority rate their mental health as “good,” “very good” or “excellent,” despite rising concerns about a second wave and further lockdowns. These findings are consistent with pre-existing research indicating that socio-economic crises can (counter-intuitivel­y) actually promote mental health. For example, the phrase “Blitz spirit” is well-known in the United Kingdom, referring to a semi-mythical period of the Second World War when Londoners rallied together with resolution and defiance to resist the ravages of nightly Luftwaffe air raids.

This “Blitz spirit” is epitomized in the famous British wartime poster, Keep Calm and Carry On.

While some have questioned the reality of the “Blitz spirit,” research shows that psychiatri­c admissions actually decreased during the Blitz.

Moreover, a network of psychiatri­c clinics that were set up to cater to the expected mental health casualties of the Blitz were closed due to a lack of patients, indicating that the Luftwaffe raids did not trigger an epidemic of mental illness.

More recently, a large-scale European study surprising­ly found an overall decrease in depressive symptoms after the Global Financial Crisis across 19 of the 21 countries studied (Spain and Cyprus being the exceptions). These findings imply the repercussi­ons of the Global Financial Crisis were not uniformly negative and that doomsday prediction­s about an impending mental health crisis due to COVID-19 may not be warranted.

These findings raise the question: What factors promote mental health during a socio-economic crisis such as COVID-19? The existing research points to some surprising answers.

First, work is a source of purpose and meaning for most people, but can also engender significan­t amounts of stress. The “work from home” directives associated with COVID-19 will have provided a welcome break from a stressful work environmen­t for many, as well as less time commuting and more quality time with immediate family, all of which has been linked to positive mental health.

Second, research indicates that people tend to cut back on unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking and junk food during socio-economic crises, often as a cost-cutting measure.

Contrariwi­se, people are more likely to exercise outdoors and obtain adequate sleep due to reduced traffic, which can also mean less pollution and fewer accidents. All this can improve physical health, which is inextricab­ly linked to mental health.

Third, crises such as COVID-19 can engender their own type of “Blitz spirit,” uniting people in a collective experience and common cause. Indeed, a Hong Kong study found that the SARS crisis engendered widespread increases in social support from family and friends as well as increased attention to mental health issues per se across society.

To be sure, COVID-19 has created considerab­le anxiety and insecurity across Canada, and support and resources should be available for those in need.

But apocalypti­c visions of a looming mental health crisis may be erroneousl­y alarmist.

For some, the ongoing crisis will cause mental health woes, particular­ly the newly unemployed and those in financial difficulti­es. But for others, it may provide a muchneeded breathing space and an opportunit­y to rethink priorities.

Only time will tell the true longterm impact on society as a whole.

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