The Province

104 new cases include one at Surrey Memorial


An outbreak has been declared in the nephrology unit of the Surrey Memorial Hospital after a patient tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

It was just one of 104 new COVID-19 cases reported by B.C. health officials on Wednesday.

So far, 5,952 cases of COVID19 have been reported in British Columbia and 4,605 of those cases have recovered.

Dr. Elizabeth Brodkin, Fraser Health’s interim chief medical health officer and vice-president, says Surrey Memorial’s nephrology unit, which treats patients with kidney diseases, infectious diseases and other acute medical illnesses, has been closed to new patients and is not accepting visitors.

“We believe that the most likely scenario is that the patient acquired the infection in the nephrology unit,” said Brodkin.

Everyone who may have been exposed to the infected patient, including staff and other patients, is being screened for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, an outbreak at Langley Memorial Hospital has been declared over after three patients contracted COVID-19.

There are now eight longterm care or assisted-living facilities and two acute-care facilities in B.C. listed as having active outbreaks.

A joint statement Wednesday from Health Minister Adrian Dix and provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, says there are 1,127 active cases of COVID-19 in the province and further 2,786 people who are under active public health monitoring as a result of identified exposure.

As there were no additional deaths reported on Wednesday, the provincial death toll from COVID-19 related illnesses remains at 209.

“Getting back to work and back to school is also about getting back to the basics with our COVID-19 safety measures,” the statement said.

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