The Province

Categories and containers tame clutter

Ashley Murphy and Marissa Hagmeyer, co-founders of Neat Method, share some tips

- The Washington Post


Where do you recommend someone start organizing their home?


We recommend picking the space that overwhelms you most first. This is typically your most used space, such as the kitchen. If it’s functionin­g well it will inspire you to keep going in other areas.


How do you get started when the mess overwhelms you? When organizing, do you put all the clothes you are keeping in a pile or do you take the time to fold everything neatly? Help!


We recommend starting with one small area instead of trying to tackle the whole thing at once. Pick only one corner of the room and begin categorizi­ng from there. The next day pick a different corner until you are all the way through and all of your categories are complete. It does help to organize and fold neatly as you go.


What’s the biggest mistake people make when purchasing products to organize spaces in their home?


The biggest mistake people make when purchasing products is that they just buy a beautiful bin or basket without first measuring the space’s dimensions. This is the quickest way to send yourself on one or more return trips to the store. Take measuremen­ts first and plan where the bins are going to live and you will be well on your way to an organized life much sooner.


Our house was built in the 1950s and has small closets. What is the best way to maximize our small closet?


We do a lot of work in big cities and see small closets all the time. Our best advice is to make sure you are using the height of the closet to its potential. Sometimes this means doing a new closet install and sometimes just some stacked bins can get you where you need to be. Stacked bins are great for seldom-worn shoes and clothing that is seasonal.


My family uses the kitchen counter, mostly the island, as a dumping ground for their things. How can I organize this cluttered space?


Is there a way to create a different drop zone close by? Perhaps a piece of furniture as you walk in. Or even dedicate a cabinet. That way, even if it’s messy, it’s now hidden.


What tips do you have for storing larger decor that you’re not using right now but want to keep for later? I have several pieces that are too large to fit in a box, such as a vanity mirror and painting, and I don’t want to just stack them in the attic.


Do you know where they will live eventually or are you just keeping them around “just in case?” If it’s the latter, we would say to do so for a 12-month period only. If you haven’t used them by then, you likely don’t really need them. In terms of storing, do you have a basement or extra closet you could use for them?


My real problem is that I’m lazy. I don’t put items away in their attractive, neatly labelled containers. How can I train myself to develop habits of neatness?


Being neat isn’t something that comes easily for everyone. If you have correctly labelled and categorize­d bins or baskets, you’ll become more inspired to keep it up. It may take one big overhaul initially, but then you’ll be good to go.


We have a small kitchen and would like to keep surfaces as clear as possible, especially near the sink and stovetops. What tips do you have for organizing those areas? I would especially love ideas for organizing foods items that tend to stay on counters such as fruit, onions and garlic.


We are by no means decorators, but we recommend buying the prettier types of storage for these items. Consider a pretty wooden bowl, a basket or nice canisters.


I’m paring down the many photos in albums, photo boxes and on the computer. I have limited wall space and horizontal surfaces to display them. How can I enjoy photos without cluttering up the space?


Are you open to digitizing your photos? There are several companies that will do it for you. You could also create coffee-table books or collection­s if you enjoy looking at them frequently. This would be more costly, but is pretty cool once you’re done.


What are some simple tips to declutter daily so mess doesn’t pile up?


Our best advice is to have a home for everything. When there’s a system in place and somewhere for every item in the house, it makes cleaning up so much easier. When those bins or baskets are full, you know it’s time to declutter.


What’s the best way to keep my tiny laundry room organized?


Use as much surface space as possible. Are there any shelves or cabinets? Bins or baskets are a must in any space to hold you to your categories. Store your actual laundry baskets in your bedrooms. If you have a front-loading washer and dryer, store items on top. And don’t buy in bulk.


My husband has a fairly large collection of ties and he wears one almost every day. He has a motorized tie rack that holds some of them, but it’s full and the overflow is thrown over a hanger. What’s the best way to store and organize them?


We typically see that our clients stick to their handful of go-to ties and the rest are really just more of a collection. Count the ties and see what the total comes to. If it’s more than 50, find a way to kindly nudge him to pare down. If it’s a collection, we would suggest placing all of those “collector” items in a storage bin with a lid and have only the everyday ones accessible on the tie rack.


What do I do with small appliances I rarely use? Everything is piled in the cabinet and it looks messy.


How often are you using them, and do any of them accomplish the same task? If so, that’s a great way to decide what to donate. Corral what’s left in a basket or a bin with a closed lid so you can stack more on top.


How do I keep my kitchen drawers organized? I’ve tried everything, including utensil holders, but it’s still disorganiz­ed.


We encourage you to edit as much as possible. Keep only the items you use every day in those prime-real-estate drawers. Anything extra should be stored elsewhere. Q I don’t have enough drawer space for sweaters, so I store them in a hanging fabric shelf in my closet. But they still seem jammed in and they take up valuable closet space. How can I organize and store sweaters?


Those hanging fabric shelves often take up more space and end up not keeping things organized. Get an open canvas-type basket, then fold your sweaters and arrange them as if they’re in a file folder.


Is it possible to keep a junk drawer organized?


Absolutely. The key is to have a good organizer and to go through the drawer monthly to put away what doesn’t really belong there and purge what’s actually trash. Trash would include expired coupons, broken parts and pens that don’t work.


I just had taller cabinets installed and am cramming everything into them. I confess I feel better when I have at least two of everything — is there hope that I can change?


We can get behind having two of everything, but we find it’s usually not just two. Take the time to figure out how much you have in each category. Get rid of items you have that are worn out and keep only your favourites. The act of separating each category will allow you to see how much you really have.


I am trying to decide between a dresser, cubbies or large drawer-style toy box to store toys. I think closed storage looks best and I’m interested in function over form. What do you think?


Assuming this is for a kid’s space, we really like the use of cubbies and placing bins inside each cube. You can then decide what type of bin works best, based on your child’s age. This also forces you to create categories. Make sure you use labels. If your child likes to climb, you should probably affix this unit to the wall.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCK PHOTO ?? If you are planning to declutter the whole house, start in the kitchen. Decorative bowls, baskets and containers are great for keeping fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs handy.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCK PHOTO If you are planning to declutter the whole house, start in the kitchen. Decorative bowls, baskets and containers are great for keeping fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs handy.

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