The Province

Doctors prescribe rollback of reopenings


Ontario does not need to lock down again at this point, Premier Doug Ford says.

This decision comes despite an open letter from more than three dozen Ontario specialist­s calling for a reversal of his government's reopening plan.

The premier did not rule out a return to Stage 2 — the province is in Stage 3 — but said other measures like a boosted flu vaccine campaign are being introduced instead.

“We want to avoid shutting down the economy as long as we possibly (can) again because I think that would be extremely, extremely difficult on a tremendous amount of people,” Ford said Thursday.

A group of doctors and health-care leaders is calling on the Ontario government to lock down more of the province in response to higher COVID-19 numbers.

“Given the sharp rise in COVID-19 cases over the last two weeks, and the speed at which this virus spreads, now is the time to put public health measures in place” to stop the spread, the letter says.

The statement, distribute­d by the Ontario Hospital Associatio­n, is signed by 38 physicians specializi­ng in infectious diseases, internal medicine, microbiolo­gy and infection prevention and control.

The statement says the Ford government should immediatel­y restrict nonessenti­al businesses and activities that facilitate social gatherings like dine-in restaurant­s and bars, gyms, nightclubs, theatres and places of worship.

Employees at non-essential businesses should work from home, the doctors say, and universiti­es and colleges should offer courses online when possible.

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