The Province

BRIDGE with Bob Jones


Many would have redoubled as South, at their first turn. It did not matter on this deal as the final contract would surely have been the same. The final contract was routine, but the play was not.

The opening jack of spades lead went to the king and ace. East returned the eight of spades, ducked by South. West, with no entry to enjoy the long spades, overtook the eight with the nine and shifted to the nine of hearts. This ran around to declarer's king, and South continued hearts to dummy's queen and East's ace.

East exited with a spade to

South's queen.

South crossed to dummy with the ace of clubs and led the jack of diamonds.

East covered with the queen and South won with the ace. South continued with the seven of diamonds and ducked in dummy when

West discarded. East won with the eight and led the queen of clubs to dummy's king.

Dummy's nine of diamonds was led, covered by the 10, as South won with the king. Declarer crossed back to dummy by leading his five of diamonds to dummy's six and led a heart to his eight! He was up to nine tricks after a very pretty hand that included perfect timing. Well done!

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