The Standard (St. Catharines)


People who responded online to our request for bucket list ideas had this to say


Doreen Dubas, Niagara Falls: Reunite with her 27-yearold daughter. Buy her son a car so he can see his son who lives in another city. Learn to sing. “It is not important to me to win a lottery or have the finest things in life,” she writes.

Rita Adams, St. Catharines: Go to Africa on a safari. Volunteer abroad. Learn how to knit (in the process). Take my son to underprivi­leged areas to assist in providing better lives for them. Learn sign language. “I always had goals I wanted to accomplish in life, but I always felt like I had plenty of time to do everything I wanted,” she writes. After she was diagnosed with Lyme disease, life goals had new meaning. “I realize the materialis­tic things don’t matter now. I want to improve my life and my sons. I want to leave a positive footprint on this earth and know that I made a difference.”

Patricia Godchalk, Jordan Station: I want to have a 90th birthday in Jamaica. (She is 54).

Liz Seger, Port Colborne: Publish her memoirs. Ride in a hot air balloon. Reunite with her pen pals, Jeanette from South Africa, Gail in Florida and Arlene in Winnipeg. “We all got together for my 50th birthday 11 years ago, but as Jeanette said, before we get to be bobbing white heads it’d be nice to reunite again,” she writes.

Devin Brown, St. Catharines: Helicopter ride over Niagara Falls. CN Tower Edge Walk. Skydive. Climb Half Dome (a granite dome in Yosemite National Park, Calif.). Visit every province and territory in Canada. To date, completed and crossed off his list include: Climb Mount Fairview (Banff National Park, Alta.). Compete in a cycling race and rock climbing competitio­n. Skateboard the Venice boardwalk in Santa Monica, Calif.

Karen Moncur, St. Catharines: Play guitar on stage, in a band. She started learning the guitar as a teenager, but stopped because of an injury. Now in her mid50s, she has begun to learn again with online tools and Youtube videos. “I’m not going to be the next Jimmy Page or Jeff Beck, but one thing on my bucket list is to play on stage in a band, just for fun, and this is what I’m working toward,” she writes.

Rosemary Culos: She has checked off two items on her list: following the footsteps of Canadian artist Emily Carr and seeing the Queen Charlotte Islands, and spending seven weeks down under in Australia and New Zealand.

Bob D’Amico, St. Catharines: No bucket, no list. I went to Woodstock. Married the girl of my dreams 40 years ago. Had a full and satisfying career. Have a happy, welladjust­ed son. Have many loyal, interestin­g friends. Survived cancer, heart disease, baldness. Four minutes of skydiving just doesn’t cut it.

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