The Standard (St. Catharines)

Double down in defeat?

Even if he’s defeated, Donald Trump’s extremist campaign could roil the U.S. for years afterward

- R. Michael Warren is a former corporate director, Ontario deputy minister, TTC chief general manager and Canada Post CEO. R. MICHAEL WARREN

For months there’s been that gnawing fear: What if Donald Trump becomes president of the United States?

Fortunatel­y, the polls are showing his extremist behaviour may be catching up to him.

But if Trump loses, what kind of America is left in the wake of his highly divisive and racist campaign? What manner of social and political aftermath will be waiting for a Clinton presidency?

To answer these questions it’s important to understand how Trump thinks and acts. In his book Trump: How to Get Rich, he reveals a basic tenet of his personalit­y: “For many years I’ve said if someone screws you, screw them back . . . When someone hurts you just go after them as viciously and violently as you can.”

Never was this more evident than in the primaries leading to Trump’s nomination. He viciously attacked every Republican opponent who dared to push back against him. And his venomous, personaliz­ed attacks on Hillary Clinton, including the suggestion she be assassinat­ed, are unpreceden­ted in modern American politics.

It took billionair­e Michael Bloomberg, a political independen­t and twice mayor of New York, speaking at the Democratic Convention to question Trump’s mental health. He pleaded for Clinton’s election saying what many think: “Let’s elect a sane, competent person.”

Trump seems to suffer from a narcissist­ic personalit­y disorder. Characteri­stics include a deep need for admiration, a lack of empathy for others, an inflated sense of self and a fragile selfesteem that is vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Many people who run for public office have a healthy degree of self-confidence and are mildly narcissist­ic. But Trump displays all of these traits.

According to Dan McAdams, who wrote The Mind of Donald Trump for the Atlantic, “If there is a continuum, in terms of narcissist­ic personalit­y characteri­stics within a relatively normal population, he’s really off the extreme end.”

Then there is Trump’s moral compass, or lack thereof. Mark Singer, while doing a profile of Trump for the New Yorker, tried several times to find the real Trump when he wasn’t playing the Donald. Finally Singer said, “OK. I guess I’m asking, do you consider yourself ideal company?” Trump replied, “You really want to know what I consider ideal company? A total piece of ass.”

Singer concluded Trump has managed to achieve something remarkable: “an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.”

Over the last year, Trump has created an elaborate reality show out of the presidenti­al campaign, with network ratings that are through the roof. He’s the star at the epicentre. So he’s not about to slip away unnoticed if he loses the election.

In fact, he’s already preparing an excuse if he loses — one that’s sure to further inflame and congeal his followers, who are prone to conspiracy theories.

At a recent rally in Columbus, Ohio, Trump said, “I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged.” He offered no evidence. He simply reminded his followers of the email disclosure of preferenti­al treatment given to Clinton by her own party brass — as if that had any relevancy.

It was an attempt to prepare the way for a post-election charge that Clinton stole the election. Trump is likely to disavow the result if he loses. His followers could refuse to accept the legitimacy of a Clinton presidency for years.

When you call for the arrest, incarcerat­ion and assassinat­ion of your opponent, and claim to be the only one able solve the nation’s problems, accepting defeat won’t be easy.

The income and wealth disparity that plagues the U.S. is not going to be fully erased by Clinton. The hollowed-out middle and working classes will continue to feel disenfranc­hised. Trump will still be seen as the voice for their ignited anger and frustratio­n. America will remain deeply divided.

Also, it’s not Trump’s style to go quietly into the night. His natural tendency is to double down. If he loses, he would continue to spew his virulent strain of socially regressive populism. Without the weighty responsibi­lity of governing (which he doesn’t want anyway), Trump would relish the role of unofficial opposition to a Clinton administra­tion.

Trump has given his followers permission to retreat to bigotry. To say whatever they want to whomever they want. To publicly humiliate and violently attack those with whom they disagree. This can be infectious, even addictive, behaviour. Some of it is sure to transcend a Trump loss.

Sarah Kendzior, writing in the Chicago Tribune, says if Trump loses he will leave behind three particular­ly toxic legacies:

• He has stimulated the rise of right-wing extremism and militia groups. The number of militia and white supremacis­t “patriot” groups had already risen to 1,400 in 2012, up from 150 in 2008. “Trump’s loss could be the cause that unites disparate hate groups across the country,” Kendzior writes.

• Trump’s fan base is almost uniformly white. Many have been marginaliz­ed. “As white men with disparate ideologica­l perspectiv­es unite under the Trump banner, many of them have come to espouse or condone his racist views, tainting their legitimate economic grievances with an ugly nativist edge.”

• Media insiders are predicting the creation of “Trump News”. One network executive said the media empire would cater to a base that hasn’t had a voice in a long time. Kendzior points out, “If that media organizati­on mirrors Trump’s campaign, the base will include Klansmen, militia members and everyday racists.”

Win or lose, Trump has managed to stitch together extreme elements from the political right and left to form a disaffecte­d, anti-establishm­ent movement that will have a profound impact on America.

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