The Standard (St. Catharines)

Church volunteer jailed for sex crimes


A youth program volunteer at Bethany Community Church in St. Catharines has been sentenced to two years less a day, after being convicted on six sex-related charges involving boys under the age of 14.

Christophe­r Witte, 32, appeared for sentencing Wednesday in an Ontario Court of Justice in St. Catharines in front of Judge Joseph Nadel.

At an earlier court appearance, Witte pleaded guilty to six counts of sexual touching in which he instructed the victims to touch themselves for his own sexual satisfacti­on.

Some of the victims were 11 or 12 years old at the time the offences were committed. A publicatio­n ban prohibits identifyin­g any of the victims, but one of them has now said he intends to speak to the media on this issue.

On Wednesday, court heard victim impact statements from both victims and family members on how Witte’s crimes changed their lives forever. The courtroom was full for Witte’s case and staff had to bring in extra chairs for the audience.

A representa­tive from the church apologized to the victims, saying they are all hurting from what took place and that some members have gone to worship elsewhere.

During an earlier court appearance, assistant Crown attorney Holly Nickel described a number of occasions when Witte showed a pornograph­ic movie to one or more of the boys and they would engage in masturbati­on.

Some of the offences took place at the Third Street church property, at a camp and at a private residence. Some of the boys considered Witte to be “older, fun and cool,” court was told, and they enjoyed being in his company.

The mother of one of the victims said she felt like her “heart had been yanked out” when she heard the news about her son, who has had suicidal thoughts and is now battling a drug addiction.

The father of another victim said he questions his own faith and can no longer attend that church.

“He has stolen my son from me,” said the man. “He is no longer in university, he has no interest in sports, and he has lost his youth. I can’t ask him about his job or future because he has none.”

The judge said Witte was selfish and his actions will have an impact on the rest of his life.

“He will begin to feel some of the pain he has caused to others,” he said, adding Witte will likely have difficulty finding employment because his case has been reported on by the media.

The Crown said a joint submission of two years in jail less a day was being recommende­d, followed by three years of probation.

Defence lawyer Andrew Burton said Witte has been on strict terms of house arrest since his release.

Nadal said Witte was in a position of trust as a church leader when he invited the boys to masturbate. His actions also tarnished the church, he said.

Terms of Witte’s probation include not being in the company of anyone under the age of 16, not to attend schools, playground­s or where children may be present. He is also prohibited from owning any weapons for 10 years and has been required to provide the authoritie­s with a DNA sample.

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