The Standard (St. Catharines)

Our refugee program not a model to imitate


Our government claims that their program of private sponsorshi­p of Syrian refugees is so successful that other nations should emulate it. This real Canadian sponsor, and those he sought to help, couldn’t disagree more.

Most of my ancestors arrived in Canada as refugees, from the American Revolution and on. They all were able to find their future in Canada. And so, when our new Liberal government pledged in October 2015 to sponsor 25,000 refugees from Syria by the end of the year, and asked Canadians to privately sponsor more, I was proud to join thousands of others to personally commit to the myriad tasks involved in supporting victims of violence here.

Skip the details. Before the year was out, two groups with which I’m a volunteer had each selected a refugee family closely related to a family that’s been successful­ly here for a decade. We amassed the funding required, deposited it in trust accounts, submitted all the applicatio­n forms. Led by an inspiratio­nal former refugee, more than 40 volunteers joined together to cover all aspects of assisting them to be successful in adjusting to Canadian society. A third group later joined us to sponsor a third related family as a community group.

Then came Feb. 27, 2016. Two families then lacked only a single piece of paper each to be travel-ready. But, everything was shut down due to a secret government decision, made the first week of January 2016, to limit the total number of all refugees to 25,000. News of the decision leaked out only mid-March.

None of us was able to help for almost a year. Our three families were subsisting in terrible conditions, crammed into an attic in Lebanon four years after their life in Syria was destroyed, not permitted to work except by stealth, with no health care, the children not able to attend school.

After coast-to-coast protests, two of the families we wanted to help were finally permitted to arrive in late November 2016. I housed one of them until we could get an apartment leased and ready. They are fine people, who were upstanding middleclas­s Syrians until their world was destroyed by war. I’m certain they will make positive contributi­ons to the Canada of the future, as my ancestors did.

But, the third is left crying on the phone from that attic as her siblings talk to her about us Canadians and our welcome.

Our government has betrayed thousands of compassion­ate Canadians and the suffering people we sought to help. Their lives were at stake every day of the delay. I’m heartbroke­n at the misery our own government inflicted upon them. I’m angry too, but how much worse it must be for refugees who were promised so much, and who now know that their lives were nothing but a backdrop for political grandstand­ing, to be replaced at will by the latest fad of the Ottawa bubble.

That latest fad is to limit 35 million Canadians to sponsoring a grand total of 8,500 Syrians during 2017. We don’t know yet if our third family will win the lottery for 2017. We do know that it took only weeks for us Canadians to fill this tiny allotment.

This program is nothing to emulate. It has broken hearts all across Canada. Every caring Canadian should demand that our government allow us to help people as our ancestors were helped in the past. These victims of a mindlessly destructiv­e civil war are almost all middle-class people just like us. Their future lives now depend on individual compassion­ate people, us Canadians, fighting to overcome our government’s obstructio­n.

Our new minister of immigratio­n came here as a refugee. Write to him. John Sankey of Ottawa works with three refugee sponsorshi­p groups.

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